Recent content by SlushmanIU

  1. S

    Complex number problem with trig functions

    Homework Statement Find d^2/dx^2 and both complex number forms for the complex number equation (1+icos(x))/(1-icos(y))[/B] Homework Equations 1. z=a+bi 2. re^itheta The Attempt at a Solution I have multiplied both sides by 1+icosy and gotten as far as (1+icosx+icosy-cosxcosy)/(1+cos^2y) but...
  2. S

    Quantum Mechanics Proof Homework Help

    I was asked to prove that any function u(z,t)=f(z-vt) is a solution of the wave equation ∂2u/ dt2= v2 · ∂2u/dz2 I know that v is constant and z and t are independent. I've tried looking at Lorentz law but I am getting nowhere fast. Please help!