Recent content by Slipjoints

  1. Slipjoints

    Distance from a point on a circle to an arbitrary axis

    Thanks for the reply, I get what you mean but can't seem to get the new point P' through rotation. Do you know how to write it down? I added what you meant to my sketch for clarification.
  2. Slipjoints

    Distance from a point on a circle to an arbitrary axis

    Hi all! In this assignment I have to formulate an equation for the shortest distance from a point on a circle perimeter to an arbitrary axis in a circle with angle theta. I included an image with the sketch. Anyone that can help?
  3. Slipjoints

    Finding Radial Force from Free Body Diagram

    Just found out the right answer, thanks for the help anyway. I added an image in case youre curious. last line is because it is actually a cone.
  4. Slipjoints

    Finding Radial Force from Free Body Diagram

    By accident replied to the thread instead of to your comment, but my reply to you is reply #3
  5. Slipjoints

    Finding Radial Force from Free Body Diagram

    Yeah that's what I thought too initially, but he specifically said I should use the balance equation of vertical forces and substitute the horizontal component of the normal force into it in order to get the radial force expression.
  6. Slipjoints

    Finding Radial Force from Free Body Diagram

    I have a question regarding a homework exercise. My professor asked me to find the radial force in the free body diagram in the image included. There is a weight Fz from above and it is assumed that it is countered by the vertical component of both the Ff (friction force) and the Fn (normal...