Recent content by Sleepycoaster

  1. S

    Potential energy of an electric dipole in electric field

    Homework Statement Show that the energy of an ideal dipole p in an electric field E is given by U = -p ⋅ E Homework Equations Work = θτ where τ is torque τ = p × E The Attempt at a Solution U = ∫(p × E) dθ' (from θ to 0, since the dipole will eventually align itself with the magnetic...
  2. S

    Vector Potential A: Discontinuity at the surface current

    Thanks for replying. This is a problem from a book on Electricity and Magnetism that my university is using. I don't really understand the partial derivative over n-hat myself, and the book doesn't mention it in detail. I'll drop this topic and ask my professor if he knows.
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    Vector Potential A: Discontinuity at the surface current

    Homework Statement Prove Eqn. 1 (below) using Eqns. 2-4. [Suggestion: I'd set up Cartesian coordinates at the surface, with z perpendicular to the surface and x parallel to the current.] Homework Equations I used ϑ for partial derivatives. Eqn. 1: ϑAabove/ϑn - ϑAbelow/ϑn = -μ0K Eqn. 2: ∇ ⋅ A...
  4. S

    Einstein velocity transformations problem

    I'm afraid I don't know space-time diagrams very well. Do you mean, a graph with perpendicular axes "time" and "distance" with a second "time" axis at slope 1/.7 and a second "distance" axis at slope .7, all from the origin?
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    Einstein velocity transformations problem

    Okay, I figured it out. From my point of view, the bird flew north at .82645c, but if I were to use a simple Lorentz contraction and multiply this velocity by sqrt(1-(.7)^2), you get a velocity of .5902c north, which, coupled with the .23608c component East, will get the bird to the birdfeeder.
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    Einstein velocity transformations problem

    Dauto, Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure I get it. Wouldn't the Einstein velocity transformations already account for the space contraction between the points of view of me and the frisbee?
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    Einstein velocity transformations problem

    So I made this problem up to visualize the einstein velocity transformations between inertial frames. Homework Statement I throw a frisbee due north. It goes north at a constant velocity of .7c. At the same time I throw it, a bird flies in a straight line at a constant velocity of .5c at such...
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    The need for electrolytes between cathode and anode in battery

    My question is simple: Why do batteries need electrolytes? Wouldn't the battery need the charge to flow only through the circuit in the device being powered? The point of the anode and cathode's separation is to preserve the potential difference, so why allow charge to flow through an electrolyte?
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    Is Time Relative in a Synchronized Clock Experiment?

    Thank you, I'll definitely consider that detail.
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    Is Time Relative in a Synchronized Clock Experiment?

    Homework Statement Imagine two synchronized atomic clocks with hands that turn at the same rate. Put one of these on a plane starting in NYC and fly it around the world once, and leave the other at NYC. Because the one that flew supposedly took a more convoluted path, it should be behind the...
  11. S

    Constant energy in an elliptical orbit

    Homework Statement There's no specific question, but mostly a theory I wanted clarified. According to my textbook, the measurement of the total mechanical energy E of a mass orbiting a much larger mass in an ellipse is: E = radial (change in radius) kinetic energy + rotational kinetic energy...
  12. S

    Finding the volume of a sphere with a double integral

    Oh hey, I see where I went wrong. I took the derivative when I should have taken the integral. Thank you!
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    Finding the volume of a sphere with a double integral

    And yes, everything in this proof refers to a sphere with radius 1.
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    Finding the volume of a sphere with a double integral

    Homework Statement I know how to find the volume of a sphere just by adding the areas of circles, so I decided to do a double integral to find the same volume, just for fun. Here's what I've set up. I put 8 out front and designed the integrals to find an eighth of a sphere that has its center...