Recent content by sleepwalker27

  1. S

    I How Does Summing Cubic Expansions Reveal the Formula for Sum of Squares?

    I found a deduction to determinate de sum of the first n squares. However there is a part on it that i didn't understood. We use the next definition: (k+1)^3 - k^3 = 3k^2 + 3k +1, then we define k= 1, ... , n and then we sum... (n+1)^3 -1 = 3\sum_{k=0}^{n}k^{2} +3\sum_{k=0}^{n}k+ n The...
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    I Help with basic problem of kinematics

    Thank you all for your responses and your time, you helped me a lot.. I understood the problem
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    I Help with basic problem of kinematics

    I think i asked de wrong question, the correct is: How the autor of the book came to that equation?
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    I Help with basic problem of kinematics

    Well, the problem says: From some height a object with mass m is thrown . Determinate the law that describes how the velocity of fall v changes, if on the object, besides gravity, acts the force air resistance, which is proportional to velocity v (the proportionality coefficient is k), ie must...
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    What Substitution Solves This Integral?

    I tried to made the integral to the form ∫dx/x2+1 so that their solution is something like arctanx
  6. S

    What Substitution Solves This Integral?

    1. I know that this integral is solved by the sustitution method The Attempt at a Solution I tried converting the integral to the form of Arctanx, but that x2 on the numerator ruined everything. Thanks