Recent content by skulliam4

  1. skulliam4

    Quantum Tunnel Macro-Scale Structure Disassembly

    I have done my research and understand why quantum tunneling happens and I fully understand that there is no point at which the particle examined ever actually intersects with the barrier. The only part at which my knowledge feels fuzzy is at the mathematic equations. If a large object, such as...
  2. skulliam4

    Rotations Per Minute Needed to Balance a Top

    Yes, I meant wobbling but the word didn't come to me. So can you do something like: this RPM gives this much wobble, and this higher RPM gives this much wobble…? And what is the lowest RPM where the top can wobble as much as it wants but will still stay balanced?
  3. skulliam4

    Rotations Per Minute Needed to Balance a Top

    I thought that gravity would pull it down on the side that is closest to the ground. If you set a top down on it's tip without spinning it, it will most likely topple.
  4. skulliam4

    Rotations Per Minute Needed to Balance a Top

    Realistically, it is quite hard to achieve that. But at what rpm could it stay balanced?
  5. skulliam4

    Rotations Per Minute Needed to Balance a Top

    I have little to no experience with this area of physics, so don't assume I know certain things. A cone is spun (with the tip down) at a constant, not decreasing, RPM (Rotations per Minute). What is the minimum RPM for it to stay there without falling, and (if possible) the minimum RPM necessary...
  6. skulliam4

    Calculate Electricity of Lightning Bolt: Formula?

    If given the decibels from the thunder and the distance away the lightning struck, would it be possible to tell the amount of electricity in that bolt of lightning? If so, a formula would be much appreciated.
  7. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    That is why positive mass is repulsed by negative mass, but negative mass is attracted to positive mass. The positive mass has and provides gravity, and the negative wants to follow gravity. But the positive mass doesn't want to be near the negative, so it repels it. But if the force of gravity...
  8. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    I don't like to do math without understanding it either. I will either research it and notify you when I trust I know it well, or you can tell me the equation and I will sure as heck make sure that everything about it I understand crystal clear. I don't know if you get notifications when people...
  9. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    Ok, this is a little weird to say, but this is a different reality. More like, it isn't reality. It fires at 51 meters tops, and that is achieved at 32.2°. And If you are referring to infinitely going into space by the "chase" that happens between negative mass and normal mass, then please do...
  10. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    It is 32.2 degrees, and the gravity is different on the planet in which the projectile is being fired. I realize the end result will be negative, but since it is all about them mathematic theories, I am taking into account negative mass, which, in case you're thinking, is not antimatter...
  11. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    So, if you start with a downright universal, mathematical law of projectile motion, then solve for mass/weight and plug in the known variables you should get a "law" about how the weight/mass correlates to the different conditions. If you could simply name off the equation that shows one...
  12. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    So it's not as simple as solving for weight, plugging in the variables, and getting an "x=?"?
  13. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    The projectile travels at 51 meters no matter what. Of all the variables I know about, I know the least about drag, and I now notice that drag might lessen the distance, but I know that 51 meters is an undeniable fact that cannot be altered; it is an independent variable.
  14. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    My souce labeled the denominator as per second, but not he numerator. I can only guess this is meters, but I am not really sure what units resistance is measured in. So it is 0.2 x per second.
  15. skulliam4

    Weight of Horizontal Projectile

    This is simply a question that I asked myself, and I truly wanted to find the answer.