Recent content by skinnyLips

  1. S

    IRC, etc idle for all-night HW time?

    Greetings, from Earth, I am going to be awake most of the night doing some Quantum Mechanics homework and I was hoping there might be a good IRC or other chat arena I could hang out into shoot the **** when I space out! I deleted facebook, etc, recently, so looking for alternatives! See...
  2. S

    Theory of Everything: Exploring the Unobservable 96%

    or this:
  3. S

    EE vs. Applied Physics (different than become an engineer thread I think)

    EE vs. Applied Physics (different than "become an engineer thread" I think) Hello all, I read through the first few pages of the "So U want to Engineer" thread, but the gist was not quite was I was hoping. Ok, I am about to be a senior in an Applied Physics program in North Carolina. I...
  4. S

    Is it common for people to drink tea/coffee to boost their performance?

    personal preference from a life of balancing athletics/academics by importance for balancing psych/physiological well-being: exercise >= sleep > coffee > drugs (legal or not) and, obviously, time management governs all of these.