Recent content by six7th

  1. S

    How Does Relativistic Force Affect the Movement and Speed of a Mass?

    Thanks, I wrongly assumed the constants would be 0 because the object started at rest and I didn't think to check my result matched the initial conditions! Ok, so after finding the constant I get: x(t) = \frac{mc^2}{F}\sqrt{1+(\frac{Ft}{mc})^2} - \frac{mc^2}{F} =...
  2. S

    How Does Relativistic Force Affect the Movement and Speed of a Mass?

    Sorry I accidentally clicked post before I finished typing everything up. The main post has been updated with how far I've got.
  3. S

    How Does Relativistic Force Affect the Movement and Speed of a Mass?

    Homework Statement a) A mass m starts at rest. Starting at t = 0 (measured in the lab frame), you apply a constant force f to it (lab frame). How long (in the lab frame) does it take for the mass to move a distance x (also measured in the lab frame)? Check that your answer makes sense in the...
  4. S

    Special Relativity: Bullets on a train

    Ok I see that this is true if the two events are one shot being fired and another being fired. So I now have: Δt = γΔt' = γ\frac{l'}{u'} The distance traveled by a bullet in the ground frame is therefore: uΔt = uγ\frac{l'}{u'} Using the velocity addition formula this gives uΔt =...
  5. S

    Special Relativity: Bullets on a train

    It's my understanding that Δx' is the distance between events in the train frame which is surely l', meaning the transformation is not simply γΔt'?
  6. S

    Special Relativity: Bullets on a train

    Homework Statement A train moves at speed v. Bullets are successively fired at speed u (relative to the train) from the back of the train to the front. A new bullet is fired at the instant (as measured in the train frame) the previous bullet hits the front. In the frame of the ground, what...
  7. S

    Magnetic moment of a solid, uniformly charged ball

    I see it now, thank you! The radius of the segment is just simple trigonometry, r = R\sinθ So the area now becomes: A = πR^2 \sin^2θ
  8. S

    Magnetic moment of a solid, uniformly charged ball

    For a normal loop of wire, A would be the area inside the loop so in this case dA is the area bounded by the surface, da, of the thin segment. I have tried using the volume of the segments but the equation for magnetic moments requires an area, so I couldn't see how this would work. Edit: I...
  9. S

    Magnetic moment of a solid, uniformly charged ball

    Homework Statement Show for a solid spherical ball of mass m rotating through its centre with a charge q uniformly distributed on the surface of the ball that the magnetic moment μ is related to the angular momentum L by the relation: \textbf{μ} = \frac{5q}{6mc}\textbf{L}Homework Equations μ...
  10. S

    Mutual Information between two Gaussian distributions

    Yeah I am binning the data, here's a basic outline of what is being done: Generate 1 Million values from a Gaussian distribution of mean 0 and standard deviation 1 Add gaussian noise to each of these values, we now have two distributions of numbers. One with noise and one without Sort by the...
  11. S

    Mutual Information between two Gaussian distributions

    The way I have used the notation is that A and B are the distributions and x and y are the numbers that belong to each distribution. Thanks chiro. Surely if I generate an arbitrary but finite amount of numbers from a Gaussian distribution then I will have a new distribution of numbers which...
  12. S

    Mutual Information between two Gaussian distributions

    Suppose I have a Gaussian probability distribution: N_{A}(0,1). A set of values are generated from this distribution to which an arbitrary amount of Gaussian noise, say N_{B}(0,0.5), is added and then the N_{B} values sorted from lowest to highest. These are then digitised by assigning 0...
  13. S

    C: Modelling errors in a measurement

    Homework Statement I'm currently writing a program that will read in a list of gaussian distributed random numbers as an array and will make a 'measurement', that is they will be assigned to another array with an associated error. This is to try and simulate the communication of Alice to Bob...
  14. S

    I don't feel like I'm learning enough

    Hi all, I've just finished my 2nd year of a 4 year course (MPhys) at a UK Russell Group University studying physics, and I'm feeling a little disheartened. In September I will be on exchange at McGill in Montreal for a year and upon looking at the problem sets and the lecture notes of courses...