Recent content by sinusance

  1. S

    MATLAB Simulating RC Low Pass Filter Using MATLAB: Symbolic to Numeric Conversion

    Thanks a million MATLABdude, That tutorial held all the answers and more! :)
  2. S

    MATLAB Simulating RC Low Pass Filter Using MATLAB: Symbolic to Numeric Conversion

    hey, I'm trying to use MATLAB to simulate a simple RC low pass filter. I have an array of data that represents the signal I want to filter, and I have the s-domain representation of the filter circuit. I'm pretty new to this type of analysis, but I'm pretty sure I should be taking the fft...
  3. S

    MATLAB How can I use Matlab for numerical integration?

    dunno if anyone is still looking at this thread but I found this site really helpful" the gradient and cumtrapz functions took care of it.
  4. S

    MATLAB How can I use Matlab for numerical integration?

    I've got the same question. Any help would be appreciated. thanks