Recent content by simplemind

  1. simplemind

    B Question about a physical entity (dimensional analysis)

    I have no reference for it so i will not work against the rules. But it satisfy me. Thanks
  2. simplemind

    B Question about a physical entity (dimensional analysis)

    I have already found an answer.The Thread can be closed. thanks to all.
  3. simplemind

    B Question about a physical entity (dimensional analysis)

    and meters per seconds is meters per seconds. what else :-)
  4. simplemind

    B Question about a physical entity (dimensional analysis)

    i try to understand what physical entity mass or massdensity divided by speedquadrat could be? Any ideas? thanks
  5. simplemind

    I Question about particle interactions and the forces between them

    Thanks to all but the basic question is unfortunately not answered. even spin of exchangeparticle (f.e. graviton) : attracitve when charges of particles are like repulsive when charges of particles is unlike. odd...
  6. simplemind

    I Question about particle interactions and the forces between them

    It seems that it is not a common known result?
  7. simplemind

    I Question about particle interactions and the forces between them

    It is for unlike charges vice versa which means spin 0 repulsive and spin 1 attractiv. Then the last open question:Is this true for all even and odd spins? Is the propagator negative for all even spins and positiv for all odd spins?
  8. simplemind

    I Question about particle interactions and the forces between them

    The opposite is discussed here. also in german language. Hence i am not sure if exchangeparticles with even spin always acts attractive or only if the charge is the same?
  9. simplemind

    I Question about particle interactions and the forces between them

    It is german: It says even spin (for example graviton spin= 2) exchangeparticles only acts attractive other says even spin exchangeparticles acts attractive if charge is equal and repulsive if charge is not equal. So i am unsafe...
  10. simplemind

    I Question about particle interactions and the forces between them

    I have read that if the exchangeparticle of an interaction has even spin then the force between them is attractive if the charge is equal (gravitation) and repulsive if the charge is not equal. Is this wright?
  11. simplemind

    I Are Different Charged Gluons Repulsive in the Gluon-Gluon Four-Point Vertex?

    Thanks but i am interested in it.Maybe it is meaningless in this case. All diagrams are also interesting but as i said i am interested in the first component. The background is that diagram 2 and 3 have a gluon between and diagram 1 not! So i assume that the first diagram has repulsive results...
  12. simplemind

    I Are Different Charged Gluons Repulsive in the Gluon-Gluon Four-Point Vertex?

    Thanks but i only want to know if the first component acts repulsive or not. From the sign it is different to the two negative others. I think it is possible to anwer.
  13. simplemind

    I Are Different Charged Gluons Repulsive in the Gluon-Gluon Four-Point Vertex?

    Hello, First,i am an absolute beginner in QCD. As i have seen there are six different Feynmangraphs for the Four-Point vertex. Swordfish,Box,... I am interested in the first of the six where the two gluons met in a point and goes away. My question now is. If for this case two different...