Recent content by Silverbackman

  1. S

    When Do Strings Or Membranes Begin?

    If strings or membranes are the most fundamental entity that cannot be divided further, where do these "particles" begin? Subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons can be further divided into quarks, fermions, leptons, gluons, bosons, ect. Do particle physicists believe that...
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    Medical Artificial Prosthetic/Bionic Brains

    "Artificial" Prosthetic/Bionic Brains As technology advances; artificial organs (such as the artificial heart), prosthetic limbs (such as the prosthetic leg), ect. will soon equal and even surpass our organic limbs. Every organ, tissue, limb, ect. will be mastered by engineers and reproduced as...
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    Where Does The Hawking Radiation Go?

    When a black hole evaporates it gives off Hawking Radiation. Where does the Hawking Radiation? Is it recycled into dark matter or new stars or what? Since mass and energy cannot be destroyed, it goes somewhere in the universe, correct?
  4. S

    Arguments against materialism - how to refute?

    Sorry if that last post seemed a bit complicated and confusing. It is hard to explain what I am trying to say because the concept I am referring to can only be experienced. Everyone that is truly conscious has the experience I am talking about ;).
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    Arguments against materialism - how to refute?

    Our minds are the product of our brains. With that said, our emotions, beliefs, memory, ect. are all results of the physical. If our brain was wired differently we wouldn't be ourselves. Science cannot however explain what causes conscious self awareness. What causes distinctions between the...
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    How To Become A Theoretical Physicist

    It seems like there is no specific Theoretical Physics major. You can major in Astrophysics, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Engineering Physics, and just plain Physics. At the master/doctorate level you have to specialize in astrophysics, biophysics, chemical physics, geophysics, material...
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    Our Universe Is A Closed Electron In A Far Grander Universe We Can Never See?

    From Carl Sagan's Cosmos; [PLAIN][/URL] Another similar philosophical saying; It is an interesting conjecture, but obviously cannot be proved. If our universe is apart of a multiverse, there is no reason to claim that the multiverse isn't apart of some greater multiverse, and so on...
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    Medical Marijuana And Psychedelic Effects On The Mind And Brain

    Perhaps you can go more in-depth on what you mean :wink:.
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    Medical Marijuana And Psychedelic Effects On The Mind And Brain

    Nah, booze kill brain cells. Marijuana and psychedelics don't ;).
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    Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting.

    Keep in mind though that the mind is a product of the brain. How the brain is set will determine how a person acts and since your brain is made of matter, it does lead much of its research on the physical aspects of it. And your brain does follow the laws of physics ;). One aspect about the...
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    Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting.

    "Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting." "Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting." -- Ernest Rutherford How valid is this statement. I think it has a lot of validity considering the fact that you are learning the fundamental...
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    Medical Marijuana And Psychedelic Effects On The Mind And Brain

    Seriously, it seems like the cannabis plant is built for the intelligent, inquisitive, imaginative, ect. mind. Not only do my senses, reason, intuition, and imagination expand on marijuana, I also understand science so much more. There is something it does to your logical faculty that makes you...
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    Is Chi Real? Exploring the Concept of Chi in Chinese Philosophy

    It could be, we really don't know what fundamental conscious awareness looks like ;).
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    Why Do You Travel Into The Future As You Approach The Speed Of Light?

    By traveling into the future I don't mean traveling at normal speed. If you go closer to the speed of light you go very quickly into the future if you are the one going close to the speed of light. This however contradicts the fact that time passes slower as you go faster? Should time go even...
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    Why Do You Travel Into The Future As You Approach The Speed Of Light?

    Time appears to pass more slowly for faster-moving bodies. In other words the faster you travel, the slower time will move for you. When you reach the speed of light time stops. If you travel faster than the speed of light it is assumed you can go back in time. All these natural...