Recent content by sideshow

  1. sideshow

    B Traveling outside of the Earth's atmosphere

    How can a laser move an object like that?
  2. sideshow

    B Traveling outside of the Earth's atmosphere

    Ever since I was a child I found space travel and exploration to be quite fascinating however I am merely a master automotive technician I was never taught physics in high school although physics is something that I’ve had an interest in for quite some time I am now trying to learn everything...
  3. sideshow

    B Traveling outside of the Earth's atmosphere

    I now understand, the vehicle can only move as fast as the original thrust no matter what it is because nothing humankind has produced or discovered is faster than the speed of light and the speed of light cannot be harnessed for the purpose of Propulsion
  4. sideshow

    B Traveling outside of the Earth's atmosphere

    I know I’m going to sound like a total retard here, but what is c ?
  5. sideshow

    B Traveling outside of the Earth's atmosphere

    If outer space is a vacuum there is no force in a vacuum to create friction, therefore if a vehicle i.e. spacecraft space shuttle is it a vacuum and produces any amount of thrust it should move a constant through space continuing to add thrust will only make the craft move faster until it...