Recent content by Siavash

  1. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    I did and it doesn't !
  2. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    For the last thing that you mentioned, yeah i think i got lucky because the difference between the answers that the equations give are not that much and probably one of my friends stretched it a bit more just to account for the energy loss at the time of the experiment :biggrin: Now for ur...
  3. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    First of all, yes the spring is the only object and there is no other mass involved. second of all, yeah what your saying makes absolute sense. As i said before this was an experiment and i have to write a lab report for it including the errors in the experiment and the loss of energy. Do you...
  4. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    I meant that at the time of stretching the spring, it has both elastic potential energy and gravitational energy and during its flight all of them convert into kinetic energy. The velocity that we are calculating right now is only from the elastic potential energy. As it changes its height...
  5. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    i really appreciate your answers guys ! i only have one more question, does the gravitation potential energy of the spring increase the speed when it starts to change height? do i have to account for gravitation potential energy when I am calculating the x?
  6. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    okay so here is what i got. Can you guys check and see if it makes sense or not :)
  7. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    are you saying that v will cancel out as well? so we are left with tan theta times delta d?
  8. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    isnt sin over cos equal to tan? correct me if I am wrong
  9. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    Here is how far i go. when i insert t into the equation, there are still two v variables present which means you can't rearrange. maybe I am making a mistake or something so please correct me or suggest new ideas.
  10. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    That is true. I did use it but i did not get the equation i mentioned above. I would like to know how to derive to that equation. I would really appreciate it if you give it a try as well to see what happens and what kind of equation you get. I used the equation x = √((dmg)/(2k*sinΘ*cosΘ)) in...
  11. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    Time is not a part of this experiment. We were not allowed to record the time of flight so we only have 2 of the variables instead of the usual 3. I need a method (equation) that relates the speed to the distance needed to be stretched (x) guys. If you look at the websites you will find out what...
  12. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    well obviously you right down all the things you have such as time, intital velocity, displacement, etc. and then use the appropriate kinematic equation based on what you need to find.
  13. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    Homework Statement In my physics 12 class, we were given a spring and had to launch it at an angle into a target (the object launched is the spring itself). The target was on the floor level but the spring was launched from above the floor level. I need to find out how far to pull the spring...