Recent content by shivadevrao

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    How do element normals impact FE mesh analysis results?

    If it is a thermal analysis & if you are considering radiation also, then element normals help you in defining optical properties.
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    How do element normals impact FE mesh analysis results?

    What kind of analysis you are doing?? If you are analysing heat transfer problem, element normals are useful in defining the optical properties like emissivity
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    How does density affects gas pressure?

    Density is mass per unit volume, Let me take two gases of unit volume, having different densities, The gas which has less density has less mass, The gas which has more density has more mass, when these gas molecules hit the wall, because of change in momentum pressure will be...
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    What happens on the surface of a material

    I have fair knowledge about electron energy level & quantum mechanics, can you please guide me to understand this phenomenon. Thank you.
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    What happens on the surface of a material

    Hello friends, Every object has certain color, because it reflects that potion of light & absorbs all other visible radiation, What is the mechanism that happens on the surface of a body, which makes it reflect certain portion & absorb rest portion.
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    Can there be different IR emissivity & IR absorptivity

    Thanks for the reply, I understand that certain coatings have high solar absorptivity & low IR emissivity, my question is are there any surfaces or coatings which have high IR emissivity & low IR absorptivity.
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    Can there be different IR emissivity & IR absorptivity

    At a particular wavelength (In IR range), & at particular temperature, can anybody or coating has different IR emissivity & IR absorptivity?