Recent content by shankarvn

  1. S

    Quotient Topology Explained: A Primer for Beginners

    Thank you sir. That helps. Can you throw some more light on the wrapping example that you gave in the last line. I believe everything in mathamatics tries to capture some physically intuitive idea. So I guess there should be more to this idea. I guess most geometries are obtained by cutting...
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    Quotient Topology Explained: A Primer for Beginners

    Can someone explain the concept of Quotient topology. I tried to read it from a book on topology by author "James Munkres" . It was okay but I did not get a feel of what he was trying to do.. He talks about cutting and pasting elements. I kind of got lost in that.. If someone could give me a...
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    Solutions in differential forms

    Is there any book in exterior algebra and differential forms which has problems worked solutions manual which comes along with the book?
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    Visualization of contangent vector?

    Hi quetzalcoatl9 This might not make sense but I still wanted to ask. Can we say that at a pont in the manifold TM_p , the tangent vector has a covariant representation dx_1 and a contravariant component dx^1. I was taught that we can think of 2 representations(components) of a vector with...
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    Visualization of contangent vector?

    Hi quetzalcoatl9 Thanks a lot..That really helped ... I just have one last question. In this antennae example are we not assuming that the field varies linearly??Isn't that a sweeping assumption ??I don't know much about EM theory and maxwell's eqns..But I was just wondering whether we know...
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    Visualization of contangent vector?

    Does this have anything to do with the contravariant and covariant representations of a vector? Can u explain the antennae example a bit more. That seems to be a nice way to understand. How are these differential forms related to the "concept of an infinitesimal ie. the way we understand things...
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    I need to know how can i solve the following

    check if this is ok(attachment) Hi I don't know if you are a pure math guy or something..I wrote what I felt was right...Check this out and let me know..I am an engineering guy who likes math..If you are looking at convergence and things like that ,then you might want to talk to a math guy...
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    Exploring Quotient Spaces: Visualizing Equivalence Classes

    Hi I did not follow whatever you said about groups. I have no clue as to what a group is though I have encountered that also before. I have not seen the group interpretation of equiv classes. I have seen equiv classes being defined in order to define a quotient space. Could you tell me what is...
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    Exploring Quotient Spaces: Visualizing Equivalence Classes

    Hi I am doing a course in differential geometry. I have an engg back ground. The concept of quotient spaces comes every now and then in our class. Your explanation does give a picture. I will read more and get back to you. Thanks Shankar
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    Exploring Quotient Spaces: Visualizing Equivalence Classes

    Hi I just wanted to know what a qoutient space is . Is there a physical picture to it? How can one imagine what an equivalence class,equivalence relation is?
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    Understanding the Topology of Klein Bottles and Mobius Strips

    Thanks a lot. that gives me a good picture.. Shankar
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    Understanding the Topology of Klein Bottles and Mobius Strips

    Hi Does anyone know what a klein bottle and mobius strip is ??what does embedding a surface in R4 mean??Is there any easy way to understand this??..Can someone enlighten me on this??I have an engg background..So please explain in simple language.. Bye Shankar
  13. S

    Can someone help me solve these problems

    Hi everyone I am a mechanical engg graduate. Can someone help me solve these problems? This are problems from our textbook on differential forms by manfredo P Do carmo. I have attached the file. Thanks