Recent content by seniorhs9

  1. S

    How to See Symmetry about x = -1?

    Thank you very much Buhrok and Ray Vickson... Buhrok...You're right! I mixed up the positive sign again! Ray Vickson...Does that argument always work? Even if a stationary point is a saddle point?
  2. S

    How to See Symmetry about x = -1?

    Thank you Buhrok... Appreciate your answer. I fully understand and get the algebra needed to do this transformation, but how would you even suspect/guess/know to do to this? You would need to suspect that f(x) = \sqrt{1 - x} + \sqrt{3 - x} COULD have symmetry to start?
  3. S

    How to See Symmetry about x = -1?

    Thanks tiny-tim... I fixed it. But I still don't see how to calculate x = 1 as a line of symmetry? I put x = L + d and x = L - d already into f(x) in my original post? Or am I missing something...
  4. S

    How to See Symmetry about x = -1?

    Hi. Question: Sketch f(x) = \sqrt{1 - x} + \sqrt{3 + x} On this test question from calculus, I got full marks for my answer. But I'm posting in this forum because I'd like to know how to analyze the symmetry of this function (posted below), which I actually didn't notice until I read the...
  5. S

    Inequality with Circle and Triangle in Euclidean Geometry

    Homework Statement Please see below... Homework Equations Please see below... The Attempt at a Solution Hi. This question is on geometry with circle and triangle. I am stuck only on 2 parts of the solution and not the whole solution... Thank you...
  6. S

    A Cubic Function and a Straight Line with One-variable Calculus

    Hi omkar13. Thanks so much for your answer. Now I feel like an did you see to expand the RHS of the given eq.? Somehow I didn't see it...I thought there was something harder going on...
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    A Cubic Function and a Straight Line with One-variable Calculus

    Hi. I posted this in the Homework question but after 152 views with no right answer, my question looks analytical and rigorous enough to be posted here. Thank you... ---- I am asking about part iv). [PLAIN] Attempt at a solution...
  8. S

    Calculus and Geometry with a Cubic Function and Straight Line

    Unfortunately, I don't think that's the best and proper way in math to do this? You'd have to work to show c = -2b and not assume it's true already...
  9. S

    Calculus and Geometry with a Cubic Function and Straight Line

    I did try that and got up to b^3 - b - mb = c^3 - c - mc which is what I wrote ... Maybe you mean something else?
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    Calculus and Geometry with a Cubic Function and Straight Line

    Yes.. Really? I think I did use it... I got b^3 - b - m(b - a) = 0 by putting x = b in the given relation...
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    Calculus and Geometry with a Cubic Function and Straight Line

    Homework Statement I am asking about part iv). [PLAIN] Homework Equations I guess they would be the ones in the earlier parts... The Attempt at a Solution In the given fact, I think x^3 - x - m(x - a) distance from the...
  12. S

    Meaning of y = c if f(x) = cg(x)

    Hi SammyS. Thanks for your answer. But I don't understand your answer either Generally, I have trouble relating intersection of y = sin x and y = cx to graph of y = \frac{sin x}{x} and y = c. But I understand sin x = cx means \frac{sin x}{x} = c .
  13. S

    Meaning of y = c if f(x) = cg(x)

    Homework Statement Hi. I post part A too but I'm having trouble only with Part B. Question.[PLAIN] Homework Equations I know... y = sin x and y = cx intersects when ... sin x = cx so \frac{sin x}{x} = c...
  14. S

    Real Roots of Exponential Equation (Involves Quadratic)

    Hi gb7nash. Thank you so much for your answers. So again, just to make sure, for only one real root, then only y2 = \frac{1}{2}(3 + \sqrt{9 + 4k} is a solution so only y2 = 3x. y1 = \frac{1}{2}(3 - \sqrt{9 + 4k} is NOT a solution. I just want to make sure because I was...