Recent content by sciphys1

  1. S

    Temperature increase by light absorption

    Hi, I have a question. If a crystal absorbs light and the absorption process leads to some excess energy being released as heat . Can one calculate the temperature rise or an experiment would most certainly need to be done? Apart from the heat capacity of the crystal before light absorption...
  2. S

    How to Calculate Excited Molecules in O2 Gas Using Spectroscopy | Mark's Guide

    Hi All, Lets say I know the absorption cross-section of a gaseous species e.g. O2. I have a pulsed laser of a certain energy and of pulse duration, which will hopefully guide me with the number of photons and I focus that laser beam into a stream of O2 gas. Can I calculate the percentage of...
  3. S

    Calculate % Excitation of Sample X w/ Laser Pulsed Source

    Hi Everyone, I am new to this forums. I am not sure where to post but general discussion is a good place. I am trying to figure out a problem: I have a sample X in gas phase. Say it has an absorption coefficient of 9.895e-18 cm2 molecule-1 @ 532nm. I have a laser pulsed source (say 50 Hz)...