Recent content by scientifico

  1. S

    Explaining Electric and Magnetic Fields in EM Waves

    Hi, I've read that the speed of em waves in the vacuum is the electric field component frac the magnetic field component, why and how can this be explained more easily ? Thanks
  2. S

    Derivative of a Logarithm with a Variable Base

    So why the base changing formula is valid for a variable base too ?
  3. S

    Derivative of a Logarithm with a Variable Base

    But why that formula doesn't work ?
  4. S

    Derivative of a Logarithm with a Variable Base

    Homework Statement Hello, I have to calculate the derivative of y = log_x (x+1) so I used the formula of the derivative of a n-base logarithm and I get y' = 1/((x+1)logx) but that's wrong, why ? Thanks Homework Equations log_a x = 1/(xlog(a))
  5. S

    How can I use this hint to help prove the limit using the definition?

    I've set up this unequation \frac{x-3}{x-1} < - M to prove the limit using its definition but it doesn't lead to the result 1<x<1+\frac{2}{M+1}
  6. S

    How can I use this hint to help prove the limit using the definition?

    Homework Statement Hello, I have to prove, using the limit definition, that \lim_{x\to 1^{+}}{\frac{x-3}{x-1}}=-\infty The Attempt at a Solution I've set this unequation \frac{x-3}{x-1} < - M but it doesn't lead to the result 1<x<1+\frac{2}{M+1}, what did I wrong ? Thanks
  7. S

    Why Does lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}e^{1/x}3x^2 = +\infty?

    In that cases you simplified for x, how can I rewrite e^{1/x}3x^2 to simplify it ?
  8. S

    Why Does lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}e^{1/x}3x^2 = +\infty?

    I mean \lim_{x\to c}{f(x)\cdot g(x)} = \lim_{x\to c}{f(x)}\cdot\lim_{x\to c}{g(x)} Why they must be finite and anyway what allow me to ignore the other limit in case it isn't ?
  9. S

    Why Does lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}e^{1/x}3x^2 = +\infty?

    I still can't understand Taylor series, I just would like to know why in this case the limit product rule doesn't work (ok for the infinity grade but shouldn't it work with as a product too ? )
  10. S

    Why Does lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}e^{1/x}3x^2 = +\infty?

    Hello, why lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}e^{1/x}3x^2 = +\infty if lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}e^{1/x} = \infty and \lim_{x\to (0)^{+}}{3x^{2}} = 0 shouldn't it be +\infty * 0 ? I can't get it :( Thanks
  11. S

    Understanding Limit Factorization Intuitively

    What you mean ?
  12. S

    Understanding Limit Factorization Intuitively

    I mean why you can't solve it directly but you have to factorize it since the original trinomial and its factorization are the same thing
  13. S

    Proving a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b) with Factorization

    Ok but how do I get a^2 - b^2 + ab - ab from a^2 - b^2 ?
  14. S

    Proving a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b) with Factorization

    Hello, how can I prove using factorization that a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b) ? a*a - b*b I should get something like a(a-b)+b(a-b) but how ? thanks
  15. S

    Understanding Limit Factorization Intuitively

    Why not all trinomials (for example x^2+3x-15) can be written as (x+a)(x+b) ?