Recent content by Schoomy

  1. S

    Concept of Potential Energy -vs Electric Potential in an EField

    Homework Statement 6. A positive charge is initially at rest in an electric field and is free to move. Which of the following statements is true about the movement of the positive charge? a. Start to move to a position with higher potential and higher potential energy b. Start to move to...
  2. S

    What Would Happen if You Cut the Earth in Half?

    Wouldn't that be what happens if you cut the Earth in half across the equator? I'm speaking in terms of cutting it "vertically" taking that to mean the axis is vertical. So cut from north pole to south. Would you not then have a north pole next to a north pole? Thus repelling...
  3. S

    What Would Happen if You Cut the Earth in Half?

    So I had a random thought come to mind today (I've been studying magnetics in general physics lately)... If you cut the Earth in half, evenly, from pole to pole and allowed the two hemispheres to rotate freely about the plane of the cut, but not to deviate away from each other, what would...
  4. S

    What is Lenz's Law and how does it relate to magnetics?

    So for (b), current is created by flux, and flux eventually goes away for loop 2 I'm guessing? If that's the case the current would be brief. For C and D I'm still confused. Even if I used the right hand rule I'm not sure where to point. I mean, there's no velocity for either so I can't use V...
  5. S

    What is Lenz's Law and how does it relate to magnetics?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Don't need any! The Attempt at a Solution I know that the first one is A. Loop 1 induces a magnetic field into the Loop2, then using right hand rule you get that it has to be clockwise...
  6. S

    Why do planets of our solar system orbit in rings not spheres?

    Another thought: this is probably a similar phenomenon to why Saturn's rings are on a very similar plane, yes? Does it have to do with the gravitational pull of nearby objects equalizing?
  7. S

    Why do planets of our solar system orbit in rings not spheres?

    I was looking at this link:" and wondered to myself why the asteroid belt just outside of Mars is a opposed to a sphere. Then I thought, why do all the planets seem to orbit the sun on a similar plane...
  8. S

    Finding Current in a Circuit (to get current going through an amp meter)

    I found the problem! a) didn't notice that voltage is double what's given (see how the picture shows two batteries next to each other? oops!) b) i got an Req for the parallel 2.2ohm resistors but apparently that's not necessary?
  9. S

    Finding Current in a Circuit (to get current going through an amp meter)

    I got the entire Req as 4.6357 ohm, does that seem right? Then total current was 2.0493 A. Not sure if those are right or what to do from there...
  10. S

    Finding Current in a Circuit (to get current going through an amp meter)

    Any ideas? I'm still stumped on this...nothing comes out right the way I'm trying this...
  11. S

    Finding Current in a Circuit (to get current going through an amp meter)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Voltage Drop = -I*R I1=I2+I3 Reqiv= 1/R1 + 1/R2 etc. The Attempt at a Solution I really have no idea how to approach this. A1 and A2 won't have the same current will they? I tried getting an...
  12. S

    How to find current of resistor in complex circuit?

    Nevermind again. It's Voltage Drop = (5.8Amps)(1ohm) = 5.8volts drop so 24.2 volts left for the rest. Divide that by 6.55 and you have the total lower leg current of 3.694. Now find the voltage drop due to the 3.3ohm resistor: Vdrop = (3.694)(3.3) = 12.19. 24.2-12.19 = 12.0098V left for the...
  13. S

    How to find current of resistor in complex circuit?

    Why or what rule let you subtract 5.8Amps from 30 Volts? I don't get that...
  14. S

    How to find current of resistor in complex circuit?

    Nevermind, got it! Didn't follow your instructions properly :P