Recent content by Satyanneshi

  1. Satyanneshi

    Classical No review of the book "Physics : A general course" by Savelyev

    I have seen those descriptions in which you have produced verbatim. Can some one delve into this part: Can someone write a review here? How is it compared to Resnick and Halliday or the University Physics? If the book was popular, why are there no reviews in...
  2. Satyanneshi

    Classical No review of the book "Physics : A general course" by Savelyev

    I came to know of a old russian book "Physics : A general course" by Savelyev. I have heard that the book was popular in USSR. Strangely, I could not find any review or mention of this book in the internet (searched through Google, Yandex, DuckDuckGo). PhysicsForum - One post of one thread...
  3. Satyanneshi

    What Are Satyanneshi's Favorite Subjects and Degrees?

    Hi, This is Satyanneshi from India. Loved Maths and Physics since I began understanding maths in class 6. CS undergrad (2005), MBA (2009). I still buy and read Physics and Maths books for fun. Regards, Satyanneshi.