Recent content by santeria133

  1. santeria133

    Forces acting on motorcycle swingarm

    I attached I reattached the photos in my last post to clearly show my design and swingarm. I've had a good look around for a mechanical drawing of my swing arm to no luck unfortunately. One thing I have found is another similar swing arm analysis in which the user, similar to me, has...
  2. santeria133

    Forces acting on motorcycle swingarm

    Hi again, I have attached below 1picture of my gs500 with the stock swingarm in place. The other picture shows a rough draft of my concept . As you can see, the two arms are made into C sectional beams where a titanium plate with an axle insert will clamp against the end of the arm to hold the...
  3. santeria133

    Forces acting on motorcycle swingarm

    Hi all, For my final project at university, I am required to design a new swing arm for a Gs500 Motorcycle. I have come up with a C sectional concept when regarding the side beams and will insert X shaped reinforcement throughout the areas of less strength. My main problem is inputting the...