Recent content by sandon

  1. S

    A Spline interpolation degree question

    Hi, I working on code that does image tracking with missing pixels, but I noticed that higher ordered spline interpolation is unstable. Found through trial and error that the best result is degree 3, picture related. I always thought that spline interpolation does not display behaviours shown...
  2. S

    Split Hopkinson pressure bar data

    Currently coding a wave separation script for the split hopkinson pressure bar. Is there a place I can get raw data for the split hopkinson pressure bar to test my code?
  3. S

    Acoustic impedance in Materials

    Thanks for your help.
  4. S

    Acoustic impedance in Materials

    I am asking about all materials' impedance relationship to elastic waves. The purpose is for Hopkinson Bar Design.
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    Acoustic impedance in Materials

    Acoustic impedance of material is defined by density multiply by the velocity of waves within the base material. My question is if i have a tubular or hollow part with a base material, does this count as a reduction of density compared to the base material of the tube or hollow part. Would the...
  6. S

    Desai Yield Surface, Parameters

    Hey guys, Desai Yield Surface: I have a hard time understanding the parameters of the model for soils. If I have three principle stresses, σ1, σ2, σ3. And R is defined as the Tri-axial strength in tension, how would I define R. Lastly can I just say that I1 = σ1+σ2+σ3 J2= 1/6 * ((σ1-σ2)2...
  7. S

    Tresca criterion in terms of invariants

    Hi, The Tresca Critrion is given in the form of non continuous equations: Max(½|σ1-σ2|,½|σ2-σ3|,½|σ3-σ1|) = k How did they come up with the invarient equation f(J2,θ) = 2√J2 * sin(θ+⅓π)-2k, θ from (0 to 60)
  8. S

    What Are the Potential Dangers of Nuclear Melt and Its After Effects?

    Are there any other measurable danger other than the following Short term (short half life) I -131 Do not react with air Forms aqueous solution with water Long term (long half life) Cs -137 Forms cesium oxide with air, can be carried away by air Forms aqueous solution with...
  9. S

    Why is there a flux depression in CANDU fuel and how is it addressed in design?

    let say there is an bundle of fuel with 4 rings. Where ring 1 is center most ring and ring 4 is outer most ring. 1st ring contains: 1 fuel element 2nd ring contains : 6 fuel elements 3rd ring contains: 12 fuel element 4th ring contains : 18 fuel elements The general distribution of...
  10. S

    Why Do Thermal Neutrons Use v = sqrt(2kT/m) Instead of v = sqrt(3kT/m)?

    The most probable velocity of thermal neutrons can than be approximated by the Boltzmann constant and is given by the following: v = sqrt (2kT/m) where k is the Boltzmann constant T is the temperature m is the mass of the neutrons My question is why is the above equation not the...
  11. S

    Flux in Moderator vs Flux in fuel

    I was reading about different flux shapes, and it depicted the the shape of the fission neutron spectrum to be in the shape of y=e^-x*sinh(sqrt(x)), where y is the spectrum and x is the energy in MeV. note: put that equation into wolfram for easy visualization Then it depicted the slowing down...
  12. S

    How Does Sinc Convolution Prepare an Image for Nearest Neighbor Downscaling?

    Let say we have NxM pixels and we need to cut it down to 2/3*(NxM) The correct method to achieve this is to convolute the original image with sinc(k)sinc(l), then used the nearest neighbor technique to on the convoluted image. Where k and l is matched to the frequency content of the lower...
  13. S

    Analyzing Assumptions for Neutron Flux: Fast & Thermal Groups

    8) All neutrons created by thermal group, thus vƩf2 exists vƩf1 does not
  14. S

    Analyzing Assumptions for Neutron Flux: Fast & Thermal Groups

    sorry 7) All fission neutron are born in fast group