Recent content by Sai Maurice

  1. Sai Maurice

    Populating a 1001x101 2D array in MATLAB

    The method I employed was based on a nested loop. I ran into two issues with this approach 1. The code took way too long to run, easily going for over 7 minutes. 2. In the end, it didn't even completely work, due to the "index exceeding the array length". This confuses me For the relevant...
  2. Sai Maurice

    Temperature change brought about by radiation

    Extra Info I was just told we can assume the room has a specific heat capacity of 1000 J/kg, and the air has a density of 1.3 g/L. With this info, i can now solve the problem, thanks for taking the time to read my post.
  3. Sai Maurice

    Temperature change brought about by radiation

    dQ/dt=σAT⁴ I used this for the T, assuming the room was initially at room temperature. The result was that the walls of the room were radiating more heat to the lightbulbs than the other way around by a large factor.
  4. Sai Maurice

    Temperature change brought about by radiation

    I assure you, that was all the info given. I can send you a picture if you'd like. The Reason it's hard to be specific is that this was a returned question, where the professor marked it as wrong without explanation, expecting us to return have a second attempt and get it right. The only problem...
  5. Sai Maurice

    Temperature change brought about by radiation

    I tried modeling the problem quite a few ways. one was to say that the difference between the heat emitted by the room and the heat emitted by the bulbs would equal the heat absorbed by the room, and that could allow us to calculate temperature. This did not work. I'd appreciate your help
  6. Sai Maurice

    Engineering Nuclear physicist with nuclear engineering PhD?

    The MIT page on magnetic fusions energy research is my interest. Finding new and better ways to design reactors and confine plasma is my main interest.
  7. Sai Maurice

    Engineering Nuclear physicist with nuclear engineering PhD?

    thank you for the information. My school has a program specifically for people who want to double major in engineering and physics so I'm taking that. I've done more research on the issue and I think I'm more interested in nuclear engineering related research. The only problem is that can find...
  8. Sai Maurice

    Engineering Nuclear physicist with nuclear engineering PhD?

    Hello Physicsforums. The title states my main question, but there is a little bit more than is revealed there. 1. Can you become a nuclear physicist with a nuclear engineering PhD? 2. If not, then can I get a PhD in nuclear physics with a double major in mechanical engineering and mathematics...
  9. Sai Maurice

    What can I expect from studying mechanical engineering at Andrews University?

    I'm a high school senior, who will be studying mechanical engineering this fall at Andrews University. I'm very interested in engineering, mathematics, and Physics.