Recent content by saeede-

  1. S

    Inverted pendulum on a cart using a PID controller

    hi everyone. in my project , I'm facing with a problem. in PID controller , desire poles are -1+j3 & -1-j3 after design , the overshoot is very high and the settling time more than PD controller i change the K and zi (pi) several times . but not better. the pd controller : (s+23) pid controller...
  2. S

    MATLAB How to Plot a 4th Degree Polynomial in MATLAB: Step-by-Step Guide

    yes :)) I'm not an English person . so it's normal having such mistakes.
  3. S

    MATLAB How to Plot a 4th Degree Polynomial in MATLAB: Step-by-Step Guide

    hey everyone . I want to plot a Grade 4 equation in MATLAB. but don't know how to do. Can anyone guide me? equation : f = 1.47*(x^4)-10^7*(x)+58.92*(10^6)
  4. S

    MATLAB Question about how solve 2 body problem in orbit using MATLAB ode45

    in my problem that i solve it , I would take different velocity and see how change orbit. and i should use m because it's mass of satellite. I put the velocity that gave me in y component and become Ok ! Now , I don't know how to plot orbit around Earth . this said in different topic.
  5. S

    MATLAB How to plot an orbit around the Earth in MATLAB

    Hi. can you help me to plot orbit around Earth with sphere in MATLAB? I wrote the code that plot 3D orbit but without earth. the code: clear all close all clc R=6371e+3; r0=3e+5; p0=[R+r0;0;0;0;10000;0]; [t,p]=ode45(@sattelite,[0,12000],p0); xout=p(:,1); yout=p(:,2); zout=p(:,3); vx=p(:,4)...
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    MATLAB Question about how solve 2 body problem in orbit using MATLAB ode45

    Oh yes! thanks. all errors gone .although i wanted to plot a circle 3d but it shows a line :)
  7. S

    MATLAB Question about how solve 2 body problem in orbit using MATLAB ode45

    all the errors are: Unrecognized function or variable 'x'. Error in T3>sattelite (line 16) p=[x position;y position;z position;x velocity(vx);y velocity(vy);z velocity(vz)]; Error in odearguments (line 90) f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0. Error in ode45 (line...
  8. S

    MATLAB Question about how solve 2 body problem in orbit using MATLAB ode45

    hi guys, I'm trying to write a program in MATLAB to solve and plot equation of motion of 2 body problem but it errors as i don't know what it says! do you know how to help me? please! The main equation is r(double dot)=-(mu)*r(hat)/r^3 The code that i wrote is: clear all close all clc...