Recent content by Ryu0

  1. R

    Other A module choice between Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics....

    Thank you both for the advice! That was a great poem, jedishrfu; I admit I completely misunderstood it at first but with a bit of research, its meaning got through. I'll be going with fluid mechanics. From what it looks like? I'm probably going to be one of three people taking the module, but...
  2. R

    Other A module choice between Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics....

    Hi all, I study Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at university. Next year, I'll have a choice between three modules; Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Cosmology Fluid Mechanics My main interest is Condensed Matter Physics; therefore, thermodynamics and statistical physics is a given...
  3. R

    Math and Physics Student Joins PF Community - Let's Learn Together!

    I'm a mathematics and physics student at university. Looking forward to learning with you all!