Recent content by Ryder S

  1. R

    How Does Changing Propeller Weight Affect Max RPM?

    Thank you, tnich! That's perfect.
  2. R

    How Does Changing Propeller Weight Affect Max RPM?

    As I had mentioned: "the maximum power of the engine". This is not a discussion about how engines produce max power. It is: *given* an engine at max power (by whatever means that is achieved... magic dust, planetary alignment, act of God, throttle position etc.) Thank you!
  3. R

    How Does Changing Propeller Weight Affect Max RPM?

    Hello all... I have a question about an engine-driven propeller. While a propeller is being spun, the air resists it and the maximum power of the engine will turn at "max rpm" when the drag from the air interacting with the propeller becomes equal to the torque generated by that engine. Now...
  4. R

    How does gas behave/flow in different sized tubing/piping?

    I understand that gas flow through a circular tube or pipe will have some understandable effects... for example the pressure drops, and the maximum flow diminishes. I also know that turbulence and the tubing surface has an effect... Without getting too specific, I just want to understand...
  5. R

    Overhead electrical lines and vehicles

    Interestingly, I have driven a VW bug off a cliff... with a drop of only three feet. Apart from embarrassment... no real damage. I think the old bugs were tougher than the new ones. But this does bring up an interesting distinction... and that is the case of *not* driving into the line, but...
  6. R

    Overhead electrical lines and vehicles

    Well, that's a useful thing to know... (higher voltages in rural areas). But in this case, I have to wonder about only one kind of line... and that would be the low lines that directly cross a roadway. There has to be some confusion about what is exactly crossing a road. A wire is could be...
  7. R

    Overhead electrical lines and vehicles

    Thanks, anorlunda... I did happen to see such videos (including this one) in my search for information. But of course in physics... the consequences ranging from nothing to death (and fire, etc), are where physics comes in. You can work with and even "touch" very high voltage systems... and...
  8. R

    Overhead electrical lines and vehicles

    Hi Doug... I'm pretty sure that voltages have to matter... that's why distribution lines are low and easily accessible... while HT lines are suspended hundreds of feet into the air. For any given system (r), the sole determining factor of current is voltage. That which determines the lethal...
  9. R

    Overhead electrical lines and vehicles

    Hi all... practical applications here... I have questions about RV travel, or travel trailer/ 5th wheel and electrical safety. With taller RV's or trailers, there is a danger of striking low power lines in the more rural areas. My question is specifically and only about what happens *when*...
  10. R

    What is the relationship between temperature and pressure in gas laws?

    That's why I said: "discounting surface tension of the bubble, of course :)" So there you go. Thanks to all!
  11. R

    What is the relationship between temperature and pressure in gas laws?

    Thanks... this is how I see it as well... but I'm in disagreement with a PhD about it... (I'm not one, so I have less cred), so I appreciate the sanity check. I just think of a (very tough) soap bubble in a pressure cooker. If you add or subtract heat... he would have to believe that the...
  12. R

    What is the relationship between temperature and pressure in gas laws?

    Hi all...! Gas laws. Sorry about the simplicity of the question, but that should make it easy :) I have two rigid containers open to air. One is 10 times the volume of the other. I cap each. I increase the temperature of each, 50 degrees. What can I say about the pressure inside the...
  13. R

    Slit experiment follow up experimentation

    Wonderful link, Bill. Thank you. I've spent about a total of 3 hours looking into QM, and it's been about the most fruitful 3 hours I've spent in a long time, thanks to your most patient and insightful comments. All the best to you. R
  14. R

    Slit experiment follow up experimentation

    Right, which is why I have problems with the term "observation", which I think must be behind all of that nonsense. Observation strongly implies an conscious attempt to discover... It has to be just a simple and specific type of physical interaction, completely irrespective of intent of the...
  15. R

    Slit experiment follow up experimentation

    Thanks again, Bill.. I just have learned (from one source) that entanglement and observation is actually the same effect (according to the maths). I still gather that it relates to what is necessary to make a change in the "instrument" (I prefer object)... The exact amount and type of change...