Recent content by runicle

  1. R

    Basics of quintic and quadratic expressions

    <b>I need a brain refresher</b> to see if i have everything straight in quintic and quadratic expressions. The n's in an expression represents how many turns a line would have The amount of (x+1)^2 means a quadratic curve The if the n is odd there are no complex roots Now here is the...
  2. R

    Determine Bulb Position for Parabolic Reflector of Headlight

    . ...|...B . ...| . ...| . ...| ----|---------D . ...|A . ...| . ...| . ...|...C Remember its a parabola connect the dots. This is what i have done x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 = 1 then i substituted a as 0 and b as 16 and it got me nowhere I'm guessing it has to be located at 0 but i...
  3. R

    Factoring and Ellipses: How to Solve for Width?

    I'm trying to put this into factored form help me out and help me with ellipses I don't know what to do... Would i have to place the C that i solved into a^2 = 10^2 + 25.4^2
  4. R

    Parabola conical whatever equations

    I don't see the math in it though... x^2 = 4py x/4^2 = py making x/4^2 = p is it something like that?
  5. R

    Parabola conical whatever equations

    I forgot the steps on how to do this.
  6. R

    Parabola conical whatever equations

    I am dazed and confused how does 2x^2=y end up being directrix y=-1/8?
  7. R

    Confused with quadrants with Cos Tan Sin

    Okay can anyone tell me why is this true for restriction of 0 < x < 360 sin(x)=0.15, x = 8.6 and 171.4 cos(x)=-.655 x = 130 and 230 tan(x)=0.75, x = 36.9 and 216.9 I don't see a pattern or rule... please co-ordinate me through the use of graphs if you can my teacher didn't explain it well.
  8. R

    How Do You Model Building Sway with Trigonometric Functions?

    First off its supposed to be solved using trigonometry and i figured out the question to today. Please note Key words like "guessing".
  9. R

    How Do You Model Building Sway with Trigonometric Functions?

    this is my question: A Building sways 55cm to the right from origin in 5 seconds and 55 cm to the left of the origin in 35 seconds. And i am supposed to write an eqaution to define this. I'm guessing the is no amplitude no vertical translation and since it's sine basically I am going to...
  10. R

    Imaginary numbers entertwined with quadratics

    My davey jones's locker i think I've got It! Correct me if I'm right 0=(x-(2x))(x-(-2x)) 0=(x-2i)(x+2i) 0=(x^2+2ix-2ix-4i) 0=(x^2+4) am i correct? now if the pairs were 1+3i, 1-3i I would have sub the same way like 0=(x-(1+3i))(x-(1-3i)) 0=(x-1+3i)(x+1-3i) and solve from that correct?
  11. R

    Imaginary numbers entertwined with quadratics

    I doubt that hootenay... I'm thinking of x = -b -+ Square root of b^2-4ac over 2a equation and deriving it so that something will occur... I am confused...
  12. R

    Imaginary numbers entertwined with quadratics

    Although i don't know what 2i represents... Is it x b c?
  13. R

    Imaginary numbers entertwined with quadratics

    Im trying this... I just used (a+bi)(c+di) -(a+bi)(c+di)=0 -ac+adi+bci+bdi^2=0 -from previous question 2i, -2i I represented a = 0... and so forth -
  14. R

    Imaginary numbers entertwined with quadratics

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is calculas based or algebra based so here's the question. ( (A) 2i, -2i For this question i don't know what is being asked so i guess the pairs could be x... I know this: ax^2+bx+c, a(x-h)^2+k and a(x-s)(x-t) So the problem is how can i use the things that i...