Recent content by RRmy0440

  1. R

    Physics question about half life / radioactive decay

    Your reply is pretty helpful to me, thank you so much.
  2. R

    Physics question about half life / radioactive decay

    Thank you very much, I got it now.
  3. R

    Physics question about half life / radioactive decay

    Homework Statement You have 0.0625 grams of an unstable element and 0.9375 grams of the stable daughter product. How many half-lives has it undergone? Homework Equations N=No (1/2)^(t/(t1/2)) In which N represents the final activity for a period of time No is the original activity t...
  4. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    Thank you guys, i get the right answer.
  5. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    Does it mean that the phaser is also included to have the total mass of 103.2kg? For the reason why I added the two speeds together...I think I had been misled by another question I just done
  6. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    Can you please explain how did you get the right answer?
  7. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    So do you think I am on the right track of solving this?
  8. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    If you would like to solve it with the unit km/h , please feel free to do that.
  9. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    d=500m t1=11.32min m1=103.2kg m2=5.3kg v2'=50.2km/h=836.7m/min
  10. R

    Physics 30 question about conservation of momentum

    Homework Statement A space person is motionless a distance of 500m away from the safety of the spacecraft . The person has exactly 11.32min of air left and the person's mass is 103.2kg, including equipment. The person throws a phaser at a velocity of 50.2km/h away from the spacecraft in order...