Recent content by richerrich

  1. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    Ken, i think most physicists would not use water molecules and water waves as analogy to explain the double slit experiment. Just to ease on someone's imagination let's suppose these molecules are big as marbles. Using waves of marbles will always give the impression that there can be...
  2. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    xts: "only when they are emitted/detected/interact with others." can also be misleading since if one places glass in the path of photons/electrons they interact with the glass but still behave as waves. i am more inclined to understand that photons/electrons are quanta of the same thing whose...
  3. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    Ken, There's a reason while this duality STILL can't be explained. Classic experiment demonstrates that electrons or photons behave as either wave or particle dependent on the observer (and like you at the back of my mind i was thinking waves are a bunch of particles anyway). I refused to accept...
  4. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    Sorry for my mistake, above should have been:
  5. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    Please click on attachment. Recently though I've come across an article which gave me more answers than what i expect from my question here. But I am interested on what's the take of people in this forum.
  6. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    I was referring to an article in New Scientist May 8 2010. To quote from its diagram: A. "Place a detector far behind the slits and a single electron will produce a characteristic interference pattern - a wave has seemingly passed through both slits at once". B. "Place separate detectors close...
  7. R

    Grilling the Double Slit Experiment

    A detector screen far from the slits will show wave patterns whereas a detector near the screen will show particles. My question is what if we maintain the detector screen far from the slits but put some say block of wood near the slits, will we detect wave or paticles?
  8. R

    Quantum field theory and string theory

    What is the relationship between quantum field theory and string theory?
  9. R

    Cause of Momentum: Forces & Particles Explained

    What causes momentum? Are there some force carrier particles passed on from one object to another causing momentum?
  10. R

    What does added mass mean for a spaceship travelling at the speed of light?

    Does that mean the spaceship has become bigger or denser up to the subatomic level? Or is it just more atoms have stuck to the spaceship? What happens when it slows down? The added mass just 'evaporates'?
  11. R

    Extra Dimensions: Exploring Beyond 3D

    Jal, what i was trying to say was that a point in the extra dimension is a point located in a different set of x,y,z in our typical x,y,z location. This can be visualized although it would look convoluted the more dimensions there are. Now if you try to visualize this convoluted shape, a point...
  12. R

    Extra Dimensions: Exploring Beyond 3D

    John, it is spatial as far as the physicists interviewed said. It's just incredibly tiny that in computations of practical applications it is considered 'insignificant'. The problem with math is that it can be so abstract that its physical interpretation can be exaggerated.