Recent content by RicardoMP

  1. RicardoMP

    A How to reduce an integral in phase space to a one-dimensional form?

    It is indeed a decay process of the form ##1\rightarrow 2##, in particular, a Higgs decaying to an electron pair. You're suggesting using the same procedure of going into the Higgs CoM frame on the last equation? Nonetheless, I have no idea on how to move on from there.
  2. RicardoMP

    A How to reduce an integral in phase space to a one-dimensional form?

    I've been trying for a very long time to show that the following integral: $$ I_D=2{\displaystyle \int} \, {\displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^3} d \Pi_i \, (2\pi )^4\delta^4(p_H-p_L-p_R) |{\cal M}({e_L}^c e_R \leftrightarrow h^*)|^2 f_{L}^0f_{R}^0(1+f_{H}^0). $$ can be reduced to one dimension: $$ I_D...
  3. RicardoMP

    What is the relationship between polarization vectors and spin in QFT?

    I'm looking forward to have a better understanding of the polarization vector in quantum field theory in order to solve a particular problem. In class and in several textbooks I see that ##s^\mu=(0,\vec s)## and ##|\vec s|=1##. Are polarizations vectors defined to have no temporal component in...
  4. RicardoMP

    Proof of the commutator ## [P^2,P_\mu]=0 ##

    I want to make certain that my proof is correct: Since ## P^2 = P_\nu P^\nu=P^\nu P_\nu ##, then ## [P^2,P_\mu]=[P^\nu P_\nu,P_\mu]=P^\nu[P_\nu,P_\mu]+[P^\nu,P_\mu]P_\nu=[P^\nu,P_\mu]P_\nu=g^{\nu\alpha}[P_\alpha,P_\mu]P_\nu=0 ##, since ## g^{\nu\alpha} ## is just a number, I can bring it...
  5. RicardoMP

    A Decomposing SU(4) into SU(3) x U(1)

    I'm solving these problems concerning the SU(4) group and I've reached the point where I have determined the Cartan matrix of SU(4), its inverse and the weight schemes for (1 0 0) and (0 1 0) highest weight states. How do I decompose the (1 0 0) and (0 1 0) into irreps of SU(3) x U(1) using...
  6. RicardoMP

    A Vector and Axial vector currents in QFT

    I'm currently working out quantities that include the vector and axialvector currents ##j^\mu_B(x)=\bar{\psi}(x)\Gamma^\mu_{B,0}\psi(x)## where B stands for V (vector) or A (axialvector). The gamma in the middle is a product of gamma matrices and the psi's are dirac spinors. Therefore on the...
  7. RicardoMP

    Feynman one-loop integral ##I_{21}##

    Starting from the general formula: $$I_{n,m}=\frac{1}{(4\pi)^2}\frac{\Gamma(m+2-\frac{\epsilon}{2})}{\Gamma(2-\frac{\epsilon}{2})\Gamma(n)}\frac{1}{\Delta^{n-m-2}}(\frac{4\pi M^2}{\Delta})^{\frac{\epsilon}{2}}\Gamma(n-m-2+\frac{\epsilon}{2})$$ I arrived to the following...
  8. RicardoMP

    A What Is the Renormalized Gluon Dressing Function?

    Consider, for example, the gluon propagator $$D^{\mu\nu}(q)=-\frac{i}{q^2+i\epsilon}[D(q^2)T^{\mu\nu}_q+\xi L^{\mu\nu}_q]$$ What exactly is the renormalized gluon dressing function ##D(q^2)## and what is its definition? My interest is in knowing if I can then write the bare version of this...
  9. RicardoMP

    A Trace of a product of Dirac Matrices in a Fermion loop

    I might have not been clear, I'm sorry. I do want to use the trace identities in order to do the calculations. I just wanted to write out the indices explicitly so I show clearly that the numerator is indeed a trace.
  10. RicardoMP

    A Trace of a product of Dirac Matrices in a Fermion loop

    I'm working out the quark loop diagram and I've drawn it as follows: where the greek letters are the Lorentz and Dirac indices for the gluon and quark respectively and the other letters are color indices. For this diagram I've written...
  11. RicardoMP

    Derivatives on tensor components

    This was my attempt at a solution and was wondering where did I go wrong: -\frac{\partial}{\partial p_\mu}\frac{1}{\not{p}}=-\frac{\partial}{\partial p_\mu}[\gamma^\nu p_\nu]^{-1}=\gamma^\nu\frac{\partial p_\nu}{\partial p_\mu}[\gamma^\sigma...
  12. RicardoMP

    How to determine particle energies in center of momentum frame?

    That said, my approach was to determine the energies and 3-momenta at the center of momentum reference frame for each particle, with a fixed s, and check it corresponds to each one of the above, but I'm having some trouble proving that, for example, E_A=\frac{s+m^2_A-m^2_B}{2\sqrt{s}}. I've...
  13. RicardoMP

    Bosonic annihilation and creation operators commutators

    Homework Statement After proving the relations ##[\hat{b}^{\dagger}_i,\hat{b}^{\dagger}_j]=0## and ##[\hat{b}_i,\hat{b}_j]=0##, I want to prove that ##[\hat{b}_j,\hat{b}^{\dagger}_k]=\delta_{jk}##, however I'm not sure where to begin. 2. The attempt at a solution I tried to apply the...
  14. RicardoMP

    Bosonic operator eigenvalues in second quantization

    Homework Statement Following from \hat{b}^\dagger_j\hat{b}_j(\hat{b}_j \mid \Psi \rangle )=(|B_-^j|^2-1)\hat{b}_j \mid \Psi \rangle , I want to prove that if I keep applying ##\hat{b}_j##, ## n_j##times, I'll get: (|B_-^j|^2-n_j)\hat{b}_j\hat{b}_j\hat{b}_j ... \mid \Psi \rangle . Homework...
  15. RicardoMP

    Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well

    Are the first and second rows really identical? The spins for the first two terms of each mentioned row have different spin states. Otherwise yes, the determinant would be zero. However, despite the configuration being one that doesn't cancel the determinant, it is one that involves identical...