Recent content by retspool

  1. R

    Unraveling Linear Models: Solving n*Sum(XiYi) - Sum(XiYi)

    And this too. I've written simplifies at the center of the paper, i don't know how they get the Betas. Thanks
  2. R

    Unraveling Linear Models: Solving n*Sum(XiYi) - Sum(XiYi)

    Linear models is the topic And i believe my professor wrote this n*Sum(XiYi) - Sum(XiYi) = Sum(Xi - Xbar)(Yi - Ybar) i was hoping if some one could tell me if this is true of if it is my bad in typing down. If it is true then can some one please tell me how? I've attached an image...
  3. R

    Calculating Mean and Covariance Matrix with New Variables?

    My professor sucks she hasnt gone over mean vector and she expects up to solve this let z1, z2, z3 be the random variables with mean vector and covariance matrix given below mean vector = [1 2 3]T. T = transpose covariance vector 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Define the new variables...
  4. R

    Positive definite matrix and its eigenvalues

    I need to know if there is any relationship between the positive definite matrices and its eigenvalues Also i would appreciate it if some one would also include the relationship between the negative definite matrices and their eigenvalues Also can some also menthow the Gaussian...
  5. R

    Proving the Existence of a Vector for a Matrix with Linearly Independent Rows

    Yeah that is the complete problem statement. but it is a question from my Optimization class and not Linear Algebra I don't understand how the zero matrix will fit the bill
  6. R

    Proving the Existence of a Vector for a Matrix with Linearly Independent Rows

    So i have a problem in front of me Let A be a m x n matrix whose rows are linearly independent. Prove that there exists a vector p such taht Ap = e_1 where e_1 =( 1, 0 , 0, 0, 0,0 ,0 ... 0)T i don't even know where to begin
  7. R

    Positive definite Negative definate Matrix

    Here is what i came up with. Pretty straightftwd Attachment enclosed
  8. R

    Positive definite Negative definate Matrix

    So i need to show if a matrix is positive definite or negative or neither I have a matrix 3x3 A so i compute xTAx I am left with an quadratic equation interms of x_1 x_2 and x_3 The Matrix is of the form A = [ 9 -1 2] |-1 7 -3| [2 -3 3] and solving xTAx i get...
  9. R

    First-order necessary conditions for a quadratic function

    Hey So i need to write down the first order necessary condition (F.O.C). and i need to find out where does a stationary point exist I know how to solve for the F.O.C when i am given an equation in the standard quadratic polynomial form but here the equation is f(x) = 1/2 xT Qx - cTx where T...
  10. R

    Simplex and primal dual problem

    i need a link which can help me better understand primal and dual problems along with simplex Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  11. R

    Proving Finite Convex Sets Intersection is Convex

    Homework Statement Prove that the intersection of a number of finite convex sets is also a convex set Homework Equations I have a set is convex if there exists x, y in the convex S then f(ax + (1-a)y< af(x) + (1-a)y where 0<a<1The Attempt at a Solution i can prove that f(ax + (1-a)y) <...
  12. R

    I need a good book for Linear and Non Linear Optimization

    i need a decent book for linear and non linear optimization. Currently i am using Linear and Non linear optimization by Griva Nash and Sofer, and it is by far the worst math book i have ever used. It does not have any solved examples or anything. It does not even have any proofs. It has...
  13. R

    Show that affine functions are both concave and convex

    This is exactly how the problem goes let f(x) be a function in Rn. prove that f(x) is both concave and convex if f(x) = cTx for some vector c I thought that the function was a affine function, but i can't prove it
  14. R

    Optimization proof for Ax > b. Prove that set is convex

    Ok, i am seriously lost, i don't know where to bring in z from.. I am attaching the only pages where convex sets have been defined and from the material, and with the information given, it seems difficult to prove the above
  15. R

    Show that affine functions are both concave and convex

    Homework Statement In my textbook, the author briefly makes a statement that affine functions are both concave and convex, how is that true? and how can it be proven? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution