Recent content by Remon

  1. R

    Does an object achieve ∞ mass or 0 mass at the speed of light?

    Yes, but isn't that the only factor that determines an object's speed/velocity relative to another object (assuming the same exact amount of force being applied)? That factor being the simple presence or absence of mass? I don't know, maybe I just don't fully understand it, but thank you all for...
  2. R

    Does an object achieve ∞ mass or 0 mass at the speed of light?

    Ok, so I guess shouldn't ever talk about ∞ mass or energy since it simply doesn't exist, at least the bit about zero rest-mass objects moving the fastest is true
  3. R

    Does an object achieve ∞ mass or 0 mass at the speed of light?

    I'm aware of that, but on the contrary, any object with no/zero mass (which I know is not possible, except for photons) can easily travel at c, right? So how can the same hold for ∞ mass? Wouldn't ∞ mass react in the complete opposite way of zero mass? Because here, they both seem to travel at...
  4. R

    Does an object achieve ∞ mass or 0 mass at the speed of light?

    Yeah, I think I understand you're saying, but one thing still confuses me: Wouldn't an object reaching c achieve 0 mass or the mass equivalent to light/a photon? I mean I know this is wrong, but it seems to make more sense that a lighter object (with no mass) would travel at the highest possible...
  5. R

    Does an object achieve ∞ mass or 0 mass at the speed of light?

    I'm debating whether this should go in the GR & SR section, but anyways, I heard both claims and both of them are supported by calculations and observations. The ∞ mass is proved by equations from SR (and the fact that a certain amount of energy pushing an object to c will always be converted to...
  6. R

    What is the simplest way to explain general and/or special relativity?

    Yes but let's be realistic here, also, many people say that Einstein's brain was in some ways much more superior to an average brain of people his age when they studied his brain. There are only a few people that have ever lived that ever truly advanced science & math (obviously such as...
  7. R

    What is the simplest way to explain general and/or special relativity?

    Well... if I master the math behind GR, then I'll become the next Einstein, wouldn't I? (and we all know what's the likelihood of that happening) Because, he is only the man that truly understands this theory And also, why do we still call it a 'theory'? hasn't it been proven and accepted...
  8. R

    What is the simplest way to explain general and/or special relativity?

    That was actually pretty helpful, thanks for sharing :) I think this was the answer I was looking for, a simple explanation of time dilation, bending of space (although little of it was mentioned in the video), how spacetime reacts when reaching the speed of light, etc.
  9. R

    What is the simplest way to explain general and/or special relativity?

    Well, like I mentioned before, I did read a couple of articles about it and watched many videos about it, but I had many questions and since I can not directly interact with said article or video, I must post my questions somewhere where I can directly ask questions and get their answers...
  10. R

    What is the simplest way to explain general and/or special relativity?

    Well, I'm assuming that I'm inexperienced in this field of science since I'm young and have NOT yet acquired enough experience to know more about the subject, and perhaps when I'm older, I will have acquired more time to invest into studying this subject...
  11. R

    What is the simplest way to explain general and/or special relativity?

    Recently (or a few weeks ago), I've started to take interest in the idea of relativity but after watching many videos and reading a couple of websites, I still don't think that I really understand it. I'm probably not suppose to understand it (or at least not yet) considering that I'm still...
  12. R

    If enough heat is applied to an object, will it reach escape speed?

    Well at first I said "object" but then I remembered that whatever object it is, its just going to turn into a gas anyways before ever reaching escape speed since it would normally go through the two other states before ever reaching escape speed, with gas obviously being the final state so I...
  13. R

    If enough heat is applied to an object, will it reach escape speed?

    Well, I am aware of the fact that there's probably a little bit of the lighter gases left in our atmosphere, I was just saying that most of these lighter gases have already escaped since the Earth was new
  14. R

    If enough heat is applied to an object, will it reach escape speed?

    ... and escape, they did. Anyways, thank you guys for putting up with this somewhat long thread :)
  15. R

    If enough heat is applied to an object, will it reach escape speed?

    You don't say... Anyways, this is kind of getting off topic (like most of my other threads... *sigh*) but I think I got my question answered... multiple times In conclusion, a gas can escape from a celestial body (from the surface or from the atmosphere) with high enough temperature and low...