Recent content by raymond_physics

  1. R

    Physics Is the Job Market for Geophysics in Canada Uncertain Due to the Pandemic?

    Any thoughts or recommendations? I did my own research for those pathways however I was wondering what people here who currently work in the field are experiencing.
  2. R

    Physics Is the Job Market for Geophysics in Canada Uncertain Due to the Pandemic?

    Those claims aside, what would be your advice to someone in my position? (Marriage is not an imminent problem LOL.)
  3. R

    Physics Is the Job Market for Geophysics in Canada Uncertain Due to the Pandemic?

    Thanks for your reply. at the moment, a career in geophysics seems kinda risky with the more strict environmental policies that are being put forward. What are the advantages of medical physics over geophysics in Canada in your opinion? I have kind of heard about the field but in a generic way.
  4. R

    Physics Is the Job Market for Geophysics in Canada Uncertain Due to the Pandemic?

    Having a family means having a wife AND kids so you are absolutely right. (Am redpilled)
  5. R

    Physics Is the Job Market for Geophysics in Canada Uncertain Due to the Pandemic?

    I don't have a job offer yet because i went straight into my masters program. As for student debt, i fortunately have none! (I am Canadian so it didn't take a lot to pay it off with part time work) My main goal in life is to live comfortably lol and have a family. Canada is increasingly becoming...
  6. R

    Physics Is the Job Market for Geophysics in Canada Uncertain Due to the Pandemic?

    Hi all. This is my first post in the physics forum! My name is Raymond. I have recently graduated with a double major in Physics and Geophysics in Canada. My initial goal was to pursue Exploration Geophysics/Hydrology in grad school ( University of Toronto/UBC/University of Calgary) and go to...