Recent content by Raschedian

  1. Raschedian

    B Do Prime Numbers Follow a Pattern?

    Thank you!
  2. Raschedian

    B Do Prime Numbers Follow a Pattern?

    Hello everyone! I was going through a simple high school level mathematics book and got to the following question: n2 - n + 41 is a prime for all positive integers n. You're supposed to find a counter-example and prove the statement false. You could of course sit and enter different...
  3. Raschedian

    Information on Different Systems of Units and Measurements

    Thank you Lord Jestocost!
  4. Raschedian

    Information on Different Systems of Units and Measurements

    Hi James! You're absolutely right. I needed only a very simple overview of these systems just to get me going. Meaning that, for example, when I'm talking about the "avoirdupois" system, what is this thing that I'm talking about. That was missing in the book and then I had to read Wikipedia...
  5. Raschedian

    Announcement PF5 Release Update: Coming Soon Before GoT S8!

    Thank you for the valuable work you're going to do. Much appreciated Greg!
  6. Raschedian

    Information on Different Systems of Units and Measurements

    I apologize. I just changed that to "Not in School." I chose that option by mistake when I was creating my profile.
  7. Raschedian

    Information on Different Systems of Units and Measurements

    I don't attend any schools. I have been reading on Wikipedia for a few days. It's not bad. There's pieces of information here and there in different articles but it's not easy to make sense of them all because the information is not complete and also, there's a lot of contradicting and...
  8. Raschedian

    Information on Different Systems of Units and Measurements

    Hello everyone! I would like to ask a rather comprehensive question. I would appreciate it if you could help me with this. I have started reading a chemistry textbook recently and typically in the first chapter of any basic chemistry course, you come across, measurement, unit conversion, etc...
  9. Raschedian

    Number Precision When Adding/Subtracting

    Thank you DaveE. Your explanation clarifies things for me a lot more.
  10. Raschedian

    Number Precision When Adding/Subtracting

    Hi Borek. I think I get your point but would you explain a little bit more please. Thank you!
  11. Raschedian

    Number Precision When Adding/Subtracting

    Thank you Dale with the pdf document. I think I understand what you're saying but I'll have to read the pdf document and moreover think a little bit about the good example that you gave here. If I have any further questions, I'll post them here and your kind assistance would be much appreciated...
  12. Raschedian

    Number Precision When Adding/Subtracting

    If you read any introductory physics or chemistry course, in the very first chapter, you'll come across measurement, uncertainty, etc. There, you learn some rules about rounding off numbers, etc. One of the rules discussed there is that if you add/subtract two numbers with different decimal...
  13. Raschedian

    Exploring the Intersection of Electronics and Science: A New Member Introduction

    I have been teaching basic mathematics, like high school core concepts, for a while now. I could help others with that. I might need help with physics myself.
  14. Raschedian

    Exploring the Intersection of Electronics and Science: A New Member Introduction

    Hello everyone. My name is Garha. I'm 40 years old. I am working on a project in electronics that needs a little bit of science, physics and math. I am not doing any courses at any university or college. Whatever I happen to need for my project, I find the relevant books and read them. In the...