Recent content by rasalzari

  1. R

    Error calculation for µ in standing wave experiment

    Homework Statement I experimented with standing waves on an oscillating string, and I was asked to calculate the absolute error of µ (linear mass per unit length). I don't know how to calculate it, so please help me. I loaded 100g, 200g and 300g on the string. Below are tabulated data of the...
  2. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    ohhh alright thank you sir! i will read more about the topic and if i have more questions ill ask :woot:
  3. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    I don't really know but at first, I thought it might mean initial velocity, is it?
  4. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    no, I did but I didn't cover much of physics so i couldn't understand that's why i asked in this website so i can learn more
  5. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    Oh sorry I am a newbie in physics and math, could you explain what x2-x0 mean? :frown::frown::frown::frown::frown::oldfrown:
  6. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    Ohh i see thank you so much for your reply, however it only applies for non-linear? but my graph is linear... is there any other way to get the potential energy for linear relationship?
  7. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    Yes here you go And here is a link with further information
  8. R

    Potential energy of rubber bands

    <Mentor's note: moved from a general forum and therefore no template> This is the equation of potential energy in rubber bands, however, I don't know how to calculate the inertia of the arm of catapults or get the k constant. And what does n mean? Basically, i don't understand the whole...
  9. R

    How stretching a rubber band, affects the range of a shot?

    fixed it, thank you for replying :redface: oh good point, ill try doing it and thank so much! :oldbiggrin:
  10. R

    How stretching a rubber band, affects the range of a shot?

    is it alright if the best line of fit misses the one point? will it considered linear?
  11. R

    How stretching a rubber band, affects the range of a shot?

    I tried all measurements, it is still not linear. :( I think i might have done it wrong :|:cry:
  12. R

    How stretching a rubber band, affects the range of a shot?

    Alright, i will try inputting all the measurements and see what happens, however, i did add the error bars but for some reason, it's only visible when u zoom in. I used ploty to get the line of reg.
  13. R

    How stretching a rubber band, affects the range of a shot?

    Homework Statement I did an experiment on how stretching a rubber band, affects the range or distance of a projectile shot. Variable list: Independent Variable Amount of stretching Dependent Variable Range or distance I created my catapults on my own and used two different rubbers bands...
  14. R

    How the angle of launch affect the range?

    Alright then i will be measuring the highest peak, max height, time taken, velocities and graph the results. Do you think this will be enough?