Recent content by ramsharmjarm

  1. R

    Observe Pb02 Diffusion into Organic Layer: Inert Effect for Lead

    In an experiment a test tube consisted of 2 layers. Bottom one was organic (chloroform) and top was KI (potassium iodide) . We added Pb02 to it and was told that it was not going to be soluble. Then we were supposed to observe the organic layer for something to happen. (Hint: The color of...
  2. R

    Maxwell Boltzmann Speed Distribution

    Root mean square velocity
  3. R

    Maxwell Boltzmann Speed Distribution

    Homework Statement The three quantities Vmost probable, Vaverage, and Vrms, are not the same for the Maxwell speed distribution in 3D. If you restrict the gas to only be one dimensional, are these three quantities equal to each other? Justify your answer with a short explanation. Homework...
  4. R

    How Does the Reciprocal Nature of Partial Derivatives Apply to Ideal Gases?

    Homework Statement Prove that (∂P/∂V) n,T = 1/(∂V/∂P) n,T n and T are supposed to mean that theyre just constants Homework Equations Ideal Gas PV=nRT The Attempt at a Solution I tried (∂P/∂V) n,T= ∂nRT/v/∂V = ∂nRT/V ∂V then I am stuck here
  5. R

    Partial Derivatives Applied to Chemistry

    am i starting this right then? dp/dv = d(nRT/V)/dV= dnrT/Vdv)
  6. R

    Partial Derivatives Applied to Chemistry

    Homework Statement Please look at the attached pic. I don't know how to type all these symbols in. Homework Equations Im not sure how to start The Attempt at a Solution I tried using the cyclic rule but the problem just started getting messier.
  7. R

    One-Dimensional distribution of Molecular Velocity Questioin

    1. Homework Statement [/b] Calculate the function for N2 at 300k d(vx)= (m/2pikT)^1/2 exp(-(mv^2/2kT) I have to be able to use this equation for varying velocity from -1500 m/s to 1500 m/s The Attempt at a Solution Boltzmann constant = 1.3806503 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1 N2 mass= 0.0280 kg So...