Recent content by radiofeda

  1. R

    Conformal mapping between two half space

    Thanks. I don't think I can chop the region up into pieces since that it is unbounded. I do know there is a conformal mapping cause we can imagine the coordinate grid lines in the bumped half space. However, I cannot find it although I know the boundary (line) shape (could be a piecewise...
  2. R

    Conformal mapping between two half space

    Hi all, Suppose there is a bump at the origin, is there a conformal mapping between the bumped half-space (y>|b-x|, |x|<b && y>0, |x|>b) and the flat upper half space (y>0)? Anyone has a hint? Thanks in advance. Regards, Tony
  3. R

    A piece of paper partially wrapped by a globe

    Hi all, In the paper "Broadband Ground-Plane Cloak" (, the author gave us a novel scheme to design non-Euclidean cloak. And the electromagnetic space is shown as bellow. In the figure, the non-Euclidean space (the surface of a...
  4. R

    Calculation of material properties in transformation media

    I see. However, it seems not easy to obtain eq.(29) from eq.(26) by applying eq.(6) or (7).
  5. R

    Calculation of material properties in transformation media

    Hi everybody, I'm focusing on meta-materials. I have recently read Schurig's paper ""). In the article, the components of the permittivity tensor are given by \varepsilon^{i'j'} = \left|\rm{det}(\Lambda^{i'}_{i})\right|^{-1}...