Recent content by racerunner

  1. racerunner

    B Muon Tomography Evidence for Special Relativity?

    To all above contributors: Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my post.
  2. racerunner

    B Muon Tomography Evidence for Special Relativity?

    Ibix: Thank you for hearing my question. Your answer is helpful to me. I would love to know if it's possible to shoot slow speed muons through rock as a comparison with atmospheric muons. I still think that SR is not ESSENTIAL to making, calibrating and operating muon tomography. You could...
  3. racerunner

    B Muon Tomography Evidence for Special Relativity?

    I am very aware of the use of SR to explain the prevalence of muons at sea level. Given that there's a significant quantity of muons at sea level, does the process of detecting muons that have traveled through (pyramid)rock and comparing them to muons that have not traveled through...
  4. racerunner

    B Muon Tomography Evidence for Special Relativity?

    I'm not sure either. That's my question.
  5. racerunner

    B Muon Tomography Evidence for Special Relativity?

    Muons are a popular way to provide evidence for Special Relativity. But, does Muon Tomography provide evidence for SR? Can you calibrate your muon detectors without reference to SR? Is there any need to refer to SR when interpreting the data? I tutored a high school student who argued the...
  6. racerunner

    Exploring Physics and Education in Australia and Beyond

    Hello. I taught Physics to high schoolers for 20 years. Now I do tutoring and work as a teacher aide in the Design and Tech department of a High School. My wife and I visited England a few years ago. Two highlights for me were visiting the Royal Institution in London and Newton's farmhouse...