Recent content by R-ckay

  1. R

    How Do You Calculate the Probability of Finding a Particle in the Ground State?

    \int(boundary a to 0) |ψ(x,0)|^2=[ √6/√5sin(∏x/a)+2/√5sin(2∏x/a)][√6/√5sin(∏x/a)+2/√5sin(2∏x/a] \int [6/5(sin(∏x/a))^2+2√6/5sin(∏x/a)sin(∏x/a)+2√6/5sin(∏x/a)sin(2∏x/a)+4/5(sin(2∏x/a))^2 but I didn't find the final value. there's still "a" in the final result instead of a number of probability.
  2. R

    How Do You Calculate the Probability of Finding a Particle in the Ground State?

    a particle is confined in a potential box 0≤x≤a. when t=0 wave function is given: ψ(x,0)=1/5(√6sin(∏x/a)+2sin(2∏x/a)). find probability of finding the particle in ground state and energy in ground state ! anyone please tell me how to solve the problem
  3. R

    Schrodinger equation of particle in box

    hi all please help me... I'm learning schrodinger equation of a particle in a 1-dimensional box. I read a quantum mechanics book written by A. C Phillips. the wavefuction is ψ (x,t)= N sin (kx) e-iEt/hbar but when I compared to what I read from a modern physics book written by Beisser. the...