Recent content by Quarinteen

  1. Quarinteen

    B Double Slit Experiment: Dumb question that needs to be asked

    So the double slit experiment. If I understand correctly when electrons are shot through 2 slits and no one is monitoring, measuring or watching they create an interference pattern if they are being measured they create a 1 to 1 pattern. I keep seeing it be said that the mere act of monitoring...
  2. Quarinteen

    B How long before someone builds a machine to predict the future?

    Now that we have quantum computing how long before someone builds an AI ML system that can predict the future?
  3. Quarinteen

    Exploring Science with Kids: A Resource Forum on PhysicsForums

    My name is Scott I live in Vegas. I am doing some experiments with my kids and was hoping to use this forum as a resource. Thanks everyone and talk to you in the posts.
  4. Quarinteen

    EM fields and magnetic induction from an experiment

    That’s what I thought, but it seems I have an exception. we took a 5 inch bolt with a .25 radius. We coiled copper wire around the threads. When I hit the end I wrapped it in electrical tape to separate it to go over it again. Then wrapped it in electrical tape again. I added enough tape for...
  5. Quarinteen

    EM fields and magnetic induction from an experiment

    Sorry let me clarify. I did not mean like a blog. It will be a running question about this topic. I will just add future questions about the same topic to this instead of opening a bunch of threads. If that is acceptable.
  6. Quarinteen

    EM fields and magnetic induction from an experiment

    If you take copper wire and wrap it tightly around a bolt will that alone create and hold a magnetic field? I add an image for clarification
  7. Quarinteen

    Photon wavelengths and frequencies

    Hello guys. I was thinking about solar sails and was wondering if it was possible to instead simply create a sail that is pushed by photons create something that creates an opposite force that pushes off the photons. If you did this in theory would you not be able to double the momentum? An...