Recent content by QuantumPadawan

  1. Q

    What sort of degree is best for working on propulsion systems?

    Hello I am currently an aerospace engineer at university and was beginning to wonder whether it was the best idea to be an AE engineer. The curriculum involves courses on propulsion systems and the different methods as well as other courses about the actual structure of aircraft and...
  2. Q

    Why are only certain wavelengths reflected when light strikes a wall?

    Thanks for the lengthy and detailed reply! As I suspected like you said the process of the photons being absorbed by the electrons in a surface can get quite intricate. I was hoping for a simple answer that I might be able to delve into with an idea of where I'd be going. When we see...
  3. Q

    Why are only certain wavelengths reflected when light strikes a wall?

    This is my first forum post so I apologize in advance if I do not provide enough detail, speak clearly enough, or violate some forum etiquette. I have a few questions here all relating to the same thing so hopefully this isn't worded poorly or too much. When light strikes a surface, the...