Recent content by Qentanglement

  1. Q

    Is Fusion possible at the accretion disk of a Black Hole?

    Wait wait wait, I don't understand what you mean by tidal forces. There are no oceans involved. (jk) But really, what tidal forces are you talking about? Sure Binary star systems do not form near black holes, but that's not what I was asking. I was asking, being more clear this time, [B]"Is it...
  2. Q

    Does anti-matter Always annihilate with matter?

    Thank you very much everyone. I will look into this further. :)
  3. Q

    Does anti-matter Always annihilate with matter?

    Thank you very much bcrowell. You have answered my question directly. However, what is the mathematical equation that describes this? I don't understand how they are coupled. How does the math show that the coupling of two spin 1 photons can make it with a magnitude 1?
  4. Q

    Why Don't Guys My Age Approach Me?

    Yo raw, I am a physics major as well and I am a 20 year old male. My department is the same, there are only like 2 or 3 physics girls and they have bf outside of school. I personally like physics girls, its too bad you don't go to my school. You know what would turn physics guys on? Dress up...
  5. Q

    Is Fusion possible at the accretion disk of a Black Hole?

    So if we have a supermassive black hole or a regular black hole with gas swirling around it. Can this gas get hot enough to fuse with other gas molecules around it? It seems like there would be enough energy to do this, maybe not. This question seems non-trivial and I think it needs some...
  6. Q

    Does anti-matter Always annihilate with matter?

    I have skimmed over the article you referred me to, however it leaves me even more confused. The article says that sometimes 1 or 2 or up to 5 photons can come out of the annihilation process! Well this makes sense depending upon the starting states of the electron positron pair. However, You...
  7. Q

    What constitutes as a measurement?

    I just learned in QM class today that decoherence is due to the fact that the superposition of different basis wave functions that make up the total wave function are each affected differently because of the time phase factor. The example we did in class is with a varying magnetic field. The...
  8. Q

    What constitutes as a measurement?

    I was talking to my professor about what constitutes as a measurement and the topic of the Stern-Gerlach experiment arised. *Please don't discuss about schrodinger's cat and that funny business, I've heard it many times and I am very bored of that discussion. Please no metaphysics BS, I want...
  9. Q

    Does anti-matter Always annihilate with matter?

    So there seems to be an issue concerning the annihilation of an electron and a positron given the following scenario: Say an electron has spin +1/2 or up, (say Z-axis is up) and a positron has spin +1/2 or up as well. Now... I know that a photon has to be a spin of 1. (This is important...