Recent content by PZIG98

  1. P

    Explore the Double Slit Experiment: Variations & Results

    I appreciate you and others taking the time to entertain my curiosity... If both slits are observed, measured... the wave/waves/pattern remains collapsed I assume? How is the emitter focused/aimed. Trying to understand why they sometimes go through this side and sometimes the other. I assume...
  2. P

    Explore the Double Slit Experiment: Variations & Results

    Makes sense to me about the frequencies... How are experimenters certain that they are firing 1 photon at a time when doing the double split? Seems the me that the "Uncertain" nature of these particles would make that impossible... Would seem more likely that what is happening is really a...
  3. P

    Many Worlds Interpretation and act of measuring

    Do all of the branches exist or are new branches evolving all of the time... Or, do branches collapse to make room for new? Seems to me, (perhaps because I am ignorant) that the total energy has to stay the same...
  4. P

    Explore the Double Slit Experiment: Variations & Results

    Do the slits determine the period of the interference pattern? If two photons where fired from two separate emitters, at the same time with no slits, would an interference pattern result?
  5. P

    Many Worlds Interpretation and act of measuring

    Are you saying that total energy, E, is the sum of the energy in all of the branches? Would this mean that as more an more branches are created that each branch has to give some energy? Or, do all of the branches already exist and have energy? The later I can't get me head around... Can't...
  6. P

    Many Worlds Interpretation and act of measuring

    So is it to say that every time an event happens in the Universe a new universe is created for all possible probabilities? Where would all that energy come from? There can't be a set number of universes as they would become so different from one and other that new events would never...
  7. P

    Explore the Double Slit Experiment: Variations & Results

    A few question about the double slit experiment... I have watched many videos and discussions about this experiment and am curious if anyone has ever varied the slits... What happens if one slit is vertical and one horizontal? If they are closer together or further apart? One fat and one...
  8. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    I undertsand the opposite to be true. The further away an object is from you the faster it is moving away from you, or you from it... (The raisin bread scenario above). I'll probably get this wrong but, Think of two opposite sides of a balloon that is being filled at a steady rate. As...
  9. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    As do I and suppose that is why I watch too much Science Channel, Discovery etc... I never got a good grasp of algebra in High School and often wish to try again so that I might better be able to read the equations that discussions like this inevatably lead to. While we talk about the...
  10. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    Thanks Syals, I get what you are saying... I think what crosses my eyes is that we are infering through measurements of acient light what is happening at the outer edges of the observable Universe today. I also understand that I don't know enough about it to argue one way or the other...
  11. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    Thanks for the link. Unfortunatley, My understanding, or lack there of, expansion comes not from classrooms and lectures but watching too much science channel... So, my concept of expansion is dots drawn on a baloon... But even with that it is not too difficult to grasp more separated...
  12. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    Ok then, so 100 billion light years away... The gist of the question is, would the delay be equal to the distance in light years?
  13. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    So then, If the Universe suddenly stopped expanding. How long would it take for us to see this via observations from my hypothetical star 1000 light years away?
  14. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    So you are saying that the "Fabric" of space is what causes the shift and not the velocity of the object from which the light originated?
  15. P

    Redshift: Is the Universe Slowing or Accelerating?

    I think I am still missing something here... Hubble's law, In laymen terms, says that the more distant an object the more red shift correct? My confusion is, when light from more distant stars is observed we are looking at older light. So my thinking is that the "shift" occurred longer...