Recent content by Pyrrhus

  1. Pyrrhus

    Admissions Is race still an unwritten factor for admissions?

    I wouldn't worry about it. The USA is a country with so many fine schools that you will end up somewhere with great faculty, and resources. Other countries have less Universities than the USA, and just a few are that good (if at all) at specific areas. However, admission practices may also differ.
  2. Pyrrhus

    What is the Difference between Electrical Engineering and Electrical techonology

    The difference is basically a Technician vs. an Engineer.
  3. Pyrrhus

    Programs Parents Won't Pay for Physics Major

    This is nonsense. I would ignore this advice.
  4. Pyrrhus

    Psych and Social sciences are the harder science

    Noted, and I disagree. Not willing to fight this mathematic modeling argument anymore. Also, economists do have controlled experiments for some cases, but for most we are left with estimating models by controlling for as much as we can...
  5. Pyrrhus

    Psych and Social sciences are the harder science

    Yes... Search Mathematical Models in Economics in this forum. Most posters seem to think that Math only "works" in Physics. A very ridiculous claim. I don't know about PhD in Psychology. The only area of psychology that I read periodically is psychometrics. I may read a bit about perception.
  6. Pyrrhus

    Psych and Social sciences are the harder science

    Good comments. I have done meta-analyses in the past. In fact, I published one too. The main problem is selection bias. The data is selected by the researcher, and this is very crucial. The researcher must be careful to have searched the literature in depth, and even if done so quite...
  7. Pyrrhus

    Psych and Social sciences are the harder science

    I have been discussing this repeatedly, and extensively every few months on this forum, and elsewhere. Someone wrote it in a paper, and published it. Now, I can send them this paper, haha.
  8. Pyrrhus

    Common Prerequisites for the Calculus of Variations?

    a full sequence on Differentiable, and Integral calculus (multivariable is required) along with ODE course (and some linear algebra) is what you need. Are you studying Optimal Control, too? if so then a little knowledge of Nonlinear Programming might help.
  9. Pyrrhus

    What do I need to know for my upcoming Skype meeting?

    You are failing at one of the most important skills required for a job... COMMUNICATION. E-mail them back...
  10. Pyrrhus

    PhD Lineage? Anyone traced their's?

    For some economists, it is funny. This is because your advisor may have had a physicists as advisor, and then you end up in the physicists academic tree :). I am sure some end up in the mathematicians academic tree, both physicists and economists. Mathematics... the mother tree :smile:
  11. Pyrrhus

    PhD Lineage? Anyone traced their's?

    I traced mine to Zvi Griliches
  12. Pyrrhus

    Basic easy to understand economics books?

    mwarhurst, Let me ask you some questions. Who makes the decisions with regards to government policies? Economists? Politicians? Academics? Is there any regulation body to review the economic analyses of such policy making entities? Who "produces" economic science? Politicians? Academics...
  13. Pyrrhus

    Struggles of a Top Student: My Journey from High Achiever to Unemployment

    I believe your best bet is to find a scholarship to finish your studies. I recommend start searching, and asking.
  14. Pyrrhus

    Should I pursue a Phd in Computer Science or go into industry?

    IBM too. I have a friend who completed a PhD in Operations Research. He joined a research scientist position in IBM.