Recent content by pYr0rAGE

  1. P

    Electromagnetic simulators with motion

    Hi all For a recent project, I am looking to simulate a metallic object moving through a magnetic field (think modeling the motion of a solenoid core inside of a coil of wire). I've tried out simulators such as MaxFEM and meep, but I can't seem to figure out how to simulate the motion of an...
  2. P

    SULI Vs. DOD Contractor Internship Advice

    Well, I'll take any opinions on the program that I can get! Did the student you mentored have an overall positive experience? If you were in my shoes, would you chose the SULI program? -pYr0
  3. P

    SULI Vs. DOD Contractor Internship Advice

    Hi all I have recently been approached for two offers for this summer. One is a SULI internship at Argonne Nat'l Labs in the software engineering field, and the other is with a DOD contractor (Dynetics) for similar work (i.e. low-level software development). I am currently a sophomore in...