Recent content by pumpf

  1. P

    Mathematica Mathematica®: performing a varying number of multiple integrals

    It did solve my problem, thanks! I didn't know the commands Sequence and @@ (Apply), which turned out to do what I wanted. I programmed the k-th step the following way: y = Table[x[i], {i, 1, k}]; (* my k variables *) a = Table[i, {i, 1, k}]; (* lower limits of integration *) b = Table[i + 1...
  2. P

    Mathematica Mathematica®: performing a varying number of multiple integrals

    My problem is that in the non-simplified problem the number of variables is k, with k varying in a for cycle.
  3. P

    Mathematica Mathematica®: performing a varying number of multiple integrals

    Hello everyone. In Mathematica® I want to numerically integrate a function of k variables (k varies) with respect to all of them. Does anyone of you know a way to do that? I tried the following simplified example. k = 5; int[x_] := x[[1]] + x[[2]] + x[[3]] + x[[4]] + x[[5]] ; (* My...