Recent content by Pooyannikeghbali

  1. Pooyannikeghbali

    Fortran Extract values from ASCII file in GIS by Fortran code

    I want to read values from the ASCII file of GIS by Fortran code. In GIS, an area has meshed. Each mesh has an individual value (e.g. velocity of water). Here is the website that shows how the ASCII file is working in GIS. I want to know if anybody has...
  2. Pooyannikeghbali

    Fortran I am elementary in coding with Fortran 90 and python

    I have worked on SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) method and Fortran 90. Now, I am studying GIS and I want to make a model in Fortran as an ASCII file and after that transfer it in python.