Recent content by poioip

  1. P

    Is it possible that speed of a gravitational waves are greater than c?

    what basically happens is that gravity bents space & time fabric. the light travels parallel to space & time fabric so at a point the fabric is stretched and light have to travel twice as long so that's why they say light cannot escape a black hole. As Eisenstein said that c is the optimum speed...
  2. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    solved... arcs form one complete circle... ty
  3. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    i did check it manually and i was wrong.the algorithm is just to identify the points that stick out!
  4. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    i see it forms a single circle! if the perimeter is (25.20983226924521) + 2*3.1415926535897932384626433832795 is 31.493017576424796476925286766559 not even close to 34.408
  5. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    i do not understand what's wrong so if i draw tangents on the outside it will join and form a pentagon and the internal angles are 540. so what am i doing wrong? please help me!
  6. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    in the picture there are 5 mines that stick out. so the internal angles is 540 degrees so the length of the arc. rather than 360 degrees this is 540 degrees that's how i got ~ 9.424
  7. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    and also let's say i have multiple points refer the pic and the points are x y 1 4 3 2 7 9 5 4 9 5 6 7 9 1 11 8 the radius is 1 unit i did a convex hull algorithm and found the perimeter and added the arc length. since it is a 5 sided polygon the interior angles are 540 degrees the total...
  8. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    so if both circles have the same radius then the distance between the radaii is the length of the tangent right?
  9. P

    What is the distance of the tangent between two circles

    related equations and formulas image so, i need to know the equation for finding the length of the tangent. please read...