Recent content by @PK nd

  1. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    What do you mean , the total mass of Earth would be flipped
  2. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    thanx for your replies . I now got my answer .
  3. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    theres a huge time difference between the world and India so man it was night when you all were guessing. What i meant ? I am really sorry.
  4. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    i mean flipping Earth relative to it's rotational axis.
  5. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    lets just imagine for a moment .
  6. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    i edited it sorry
  7. @PK nd

    B IF north pole becomes the south pole....

    what would happen if north pole of Earth becomes south pole and south becomes north ? What would be the chenges on Earth's climate or any other changes ??
  8. @PK nd

    Physics Study Physics: Space, Time, Black Holes & More

    i mean what should i choose as subject in univeristy to study about black holes, realtivity etc
  9. @PK nd

    Physics Study Physics: Space, Time, Black Holes & More

    so , it means if i want to research in the branch i can study theoroetical physics in college.
  10. @PK nd

    Physics Study Physics: Space, Time, Black Holes & More

    thnx i was just wondering about my career options if i want o research into the subject what should be my field, i mean astrophysics , theoritical physics etc .
  11. @PK nd

    Physics Study Physics: Space, Time, Black Holes & More

    Hi! Guys i want to know that which field of physics studies space and time , black holes, warm holes etc. I want to make a career in researching in studying them .
  12. @PK nd

    Could Life Exist on Mars with the Discovery of Flowing Water?

    Does discovery of flowing water on Mars means that life even in microscopic form is possible ?
  13. @PK nd

    What are the ways we can search for alien life?

    Are we alone AND what are the ways we can search alien life?