Recent content by pierce15

  1. P

    I Understanding Gauss's Law: Where Does the Argument Break Down?

    Forgive me for not having read the past 5 pages of debate, but I have a few thoughts. First, we can stop arguing about whether this is a problem of the differential form of Gauss's law. The derivation of the differential form from the integral form uses the divergence theorem which holds in...
  2. P

    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    Sorry for delay, last few days have been crazy. This company looks cool. I think I would enjoy working in an industry like this but I would be worried about regretting not going into physics after spending so many years studying it... anyone here ever feel that way?
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    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    Thanks for the reply. By device design and simulation do you mean analog circuits?
  4. P

    News Studying completely on tablets and devices....

    Unrelated but I would disagree with this. I have always felt that reading textbooks and solving problems is a much better use of time than going to class. As for the original question, I do almost all of my reading on computers. I try to read hard copies as much as possible since I think it's...
  5. P

    Nuclear Quantum Theory: Neutrons as Waves in Diffusion & Transport

    Thanks for the reply, that's pretty useful information.
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    Nuclear Quantum Theory: Neutrons as Waves in Diffusion & Transport

    Astronuc I'm curious... if you don't mind me asking are you working in private sector? I am wondering the extent to which you can pursue your own research/projects in the nuclear private sector.
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    Nuclear Theoretical Nuclear Physics Textbook

    This book also looks great but there are no problems at the end of the chapters. The specific reason why I am looking for problems is because I am trying to organize a small reading group and it will be much easier to gauge progress if we all do problem sets.
  8. P

    Nuclear Theoretical Nuclear Physics Textbook

    Hello, I am interested in getting into low-energy experimental nuclear physics. I have studied quantum mechanics and a few introductory nuclear science textbooks (e.g. Shultis + Faw: Introduction to Nuclear Science and Engineering). I found the textbook Theoretical Nuclear Physics by Blatt...
  9. P

    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    The group I will be working with does selective trapping of radioactive ions to study the electroweak interaction... I don't understand the specific models they are testing, but I will be studying nuclear physics this summer. This most likely involves some simulations. I know they are also...
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    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    That sounds awesome. How did you end up getting choosing nuclear?
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    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    Funny, I am going to try working in low energy nuclear physics next fall. Do you do simulations primarily of detector physics?
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    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    I should mention I worked in an AMO lab this year and really didn't like optics. Condensed matter is an interesting idea... I'll have to look into it more.
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    Simulations and Experimental Physics

    I'm an undergrad trying to figure out what career I want to pursue. I consider myself very good at math and physics and enjoy them, however I know that I definitely do not want to go into purely theoretical physics. I have been thinking about what I want to do for a while now and it occurred...
  14. P

    I Why are core electrons ejected by gammas

    This is what I am trying to figure out. Are you suggesting this is a resonance effect, i.e. the probability increases when the "frequency" of the electron is similar to the frequency of the gamma? I have an idea for how this could be quantified in the case of low-energy gammas, i.e. ones...
  15. P

    I Why are core electrons ejected by gammas

    This is exactly my question: why should a photon interact more with something that is more confined? Do you have an explanation more rigorous than dimensional analysis as to why this should be the case?