Recent content by PhysicsFreak321

  1. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    That is a ground wire. Great! Thank you for the link! And yes generally I do flooring and when one of my workers takes a shortcut ( cuts finish board too long not leaving expansion joint at baseboard .. I have them pull it up and correct or of not applicable Dremel it in.. I'm not a shortcut...
  2. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    Thanks Tom! It's confusing! Makes perfect sense what your saying! The box and fittings said "suitable for wet locations" they had rubber washers with a compression fitting on both union ends. I understand that's not applicable in all situations EG underwater.. So if I understand correctly the...
  3. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    The two fingers identify the breaker, below there is the all wire ground. That will run direct from this BREAKER through conduit through disconnect to hot water heater ground screw. The picture you listed is what I read but it confused me if this complied with ground requirements. Conduit will...
  4. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    The water heater was here before I inherited the property.. they simply ran exposed wires through the kitchen a true DIY. Can you elaborate on the need for a ground on over a 6 foot run that is what my confusion is... Are my pictures to forum standards? I'm going to assume so an try to show...
  5. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    Hot water heater ground I cleaned it to allow a solid non corroded ground.
  6. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    Exterior side ... I'll pigtail and place cover obviously just wanted you all to see what I am dealing with. Again please take it easy and if anything I posted is in incorrect location or off topic direct me accordingly. I am an open ear and do not with to pollute this sight. I just know this is...
  7. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    Anticipated 8 foot span of dry use conduit 26 inches from floor level supported with clamps every 3 feet.
  8. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    Forgot to mention disconnect is non fusable 60 amp. Breaker outside is 40 amp breaker. As I want the exterior breaker to trip without burning the 60 amp non fusable pullout disconnect
  9. P

    Newbie questions about the NEC code and flexible "dry use" metal conduit

    This is only my second post and I pray it is deemed on topic. This forum has given me a lot of insight however a forum search left me without answer here. Most likely because you are all WELL above my knowledge level. I'll try to make this short and again pray I'm on topic.. I live in florida...
  10. P

    Calculating velocity of a potato

    Amazing article... and gives me the math I need in different applications! Thanks!
  11. P

    Calculating velocity of a potato

    Correction48 inches in length by 2 inches ( pvc. Round.) Thanks... apologies for the missing information
  12. P

    Calculating velocity of a potato

    Hello all! Please note this is my first post and I would love to learn the method of calculating the below question... so that I may retain the knowledge and apply it for further models. First... the question. How can I take the following information... and using existing data find the velocity...
  13. P

    Joining the Community: A New Member's Journey of Learning and Discovery

    Well hello! Just wanted to follow the suggestion to introduce myself as a new member... Hi! I am looking forward to reading listening and learning what I can, and who knows what insight I might be able to provide!. If anyone would be so kind as to message me, or point me in the direction...